Liar 3

639 15 3

Y'all begged me to😂

Also I wanna say sorry for taking a LONG ass break. Shit was gonna down. Depression etc AYWHO enjoy loves❤️❤️

"I hate you"

"I love you"

2 months later

So recently I've been throwing up and having morning sickness. Obviously I'm pregnant I mean yea I wanted to have kids but. I want to get married not be single. And before y'all ask yes the dad is jahseh's . I wanted to have his children but. I never knew that we would break up. So you might be asking "were do you live?". I live in a penthouse in parkland Florida not to far from jah. 4 bed room 4 bathroom.

So I found out I was pregnant like a week ago and I need to tell jah. Even tho we are not together anymore he still needs to be apart of his daughter or son'a life. So I went to call him. Once I got on my phone I saw his contact name. I was debating on if I should call him or not. But what was I thing this is our child I'm talking about the hell.

Phone call

Jah: hello?
After I heard that my heart stopped I had a few tears come down. I mean I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't miss this man.

Y/n: J-jah
Jah: y/n h-hi you good?
Y/n: yes i Just wanted to tell you somthing.
Jah:Yea what's up?
After you heard that you busted out crying

Jah:Yo, y/n? You Ight?
Y/n: jah I'm pregnant
Jah: p-pregnant? With who's baby? Mine?
Y/n: Yea
Jah: oh my go- ok come over we can talk about it.

Call ended..

1 hour later..

"Hi jah" I said walking in to is house. "Hey y/n so um. Your having my kids thaha" he asks "I guess so" you laugh "listen y/n I'm really sorry about what I did. You know some times I don't think. I was just in the moment. I love you so much. I just wanna tell you that even if you don't tKe me back." He says "listen jah, you know I love you so much. But ion think we can get back together rn 1 I'm pregnant and if you hurt me again I'll get stressed and the stress goes on the baby and sum can go wrong. And I think it's best if we co parent. Who know a Maybe sum will happen. But rn it's a no." I say looking at him and don't get me wrong yes he hurt me but I mean we did everything together and at the end of the day... it's still us agents the world.

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