(1) The First

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Third Person
"Stop.. please!! Don't hurt him! Please... just don't hurt my papa," she cried out, tears streaming down her face. She was scared. Terrified of what was going to happen.

"Y/N! Get away from here! Run far away and get help!" Her father yelled back. He was on the floor, pinned down by the man in the mask about him. There was a knife to his stomach.

She felt like a coward. Maybe she was. So she ran.

There was a figure looming over her though, grabbing her shoulders roughly as she tried to resist. "No.. no no no no no no NO!" Screamed the child, fear and anger boiling over her all at once. Suddenly there was a bright light that shone through the house, illuminating almost the whole neighbourhood. The weight on her shoulders was gone, and she ran as fast as her short legs could take her. She never turned back. She couldn't turn back. Turning back was too scary, so she sprinted on and on.

Y/F/N was a hero. A support hero, but a hero nonetheless. All he wanted to do was protect his daughter and wife, who was already deceased. 'Beautiful' he thought as he shielded his eyes from the bright light his daughter had been emitting" Seeing her retreating figure put him at peace with himself. 'At least she's safe now.' He thought to himself. Maybe I'll get to see her again someday.. one day.

Y/N just kept running. Her legs felt like they were burning but she couldn't stop now. 'For papa,' she thought to herself, sprinting forwards ever faster. Nothing was going to stop her from helping in any way she could. Nothing at all. She ran all the way to the closest hero agency she could find and began banging on the door.

"HELP! Please, help me! T-there's a villain in my house and he has my papa! HELP!" She screamed, over and over until a tired looking man came to the door, shocked at what he saw.

There was a small child yelling her throat out, covered in ash and blood. But for some reason, that wasn't the first thing he noticed about her. She was glowing. Not a gentle glow either, her body was quite literally glowing an array of warm colours. Warm, yet ferocious. Forced. Desperate. She couldn't have been older than 4.

Shota Aizawa had just gotten back from a night time mission and was tired beyond words. But the look in her eyes when she tilted her head up at him somehow managed to snap him out of it.

"Where do you live, girl?" He asked gently, although not trying to seem like he didn't care. She was relieved. Y/N had no time to talk, so she grabbed his hand and ran, imagining she could run ever faster, wanting to get back as quickly as possible.

'What the heck?' Aizawa thought as she dragged him down the street. Anyone passing by would've thought the scene was quite funny,  but it was the dead of night so that wasn't the case. Shota Aizawa was in the air. The little girl gripping her hand glowed even brighter as she started to run almost as fast as light itself. Soon enough they were there. The house certainly wasn't quaint, it was actually quite larger than he was expecting.

The sight introduced to them could only have been described by one word. 'Gruesome' he stated mentally before rushing over to Y/F/N. Her father was laying there on the ground, motionless. He had multiple stab wounds in his stomach and was just sitting in a pool of his own blood. Aizawa immediately restrained the criminal as she small child rushed over to her dad, still glowing. So many tears streamed down her face, splashing onto his torso.

The pro hero stood a bit away, keeping his eye on the intruder. His eyes widened. The wounds on the motionless man began closing up, although he didn't move. 'He's already dead,'  he winced, despite himself. The criminal wrapped in his scarf had struck and internal organ, and later had found out to have been continuously stabbing the corpse until the two showed up. He was surely mentally unstable.

Y/N just kept crying, tears streaming down her face. The liquid continued to splash over her father's dead body until it looked perfectly healthy, if not for the fact that he continued to lie there, motionless.

Aizawa noticed a pile of ash near the doorway and attempted to question the murderer, "Did you have any help?"

He began laughing hysterically, but his eyes seemed sad. "Hah! He's gone now though!" He exclaimed loudly, causing Y/N to jump a little, her attention now on him. She was scared again. Scared that man was going to take someone else from her. Fear, desperation and fright all courses through her as the adrenaline pumping through her veins eventually wore off. She hit the ground with a thud as the police and a few other pros showed up to the house.

'Papa, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.. I'm sorry' was the last thing that went through her head before collapsing.

~August 26th, 2020~

Mystical Flames ~ A BNHA Various x Fem!Reader BookWhere stories live. Discover now