Chapter 6: That was so.....Cute?

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Mew's hopes for friendship were quickly dispelled out of his mind when the dinner was postponed to two days later.

"Are they not coming over for dinner tonight?" Mew asked his parents as he paced back and forth in the living room.

"No, they're not." Answered his father.

"Why?" Mew asked, his eyebrows scrunched in displeasure.

" They've apologized saying it was a family matter. " responded his dad.

" Why has this bothered you so? You've never been a big fan of these dinners." His mom pointed out, a glint in her eyes.

" I'm not bothered....just curious." Mew's face had reflected that he was indeed bothered, but for a completely different reason than his mom had assumed.

He wasnt bothered by the absence of his boyfriend...he was bothered by the deterioration of his plan.

Mew couldnt help thinking it was Gulf's doing. He understood that he was probably tired but he could've at least let him know before he was told by his parents of the change of plans. But Mew calmed himself down, he didn't need to rush things. Gulf had indeed looked tired, it was probably for the best this whole thing was delayed. Or else Gulf wouldn't have been able to play his role well.


Gulf had begun to forget about his deal with Mew when two days passed with no contact from him. His stress levels had decreased and he was feeling rejuvenated.

But just as he was playing his game a message appeared. Even though he was focused on the game he couldn't miss the name of the person texting him. Mew.

Gulf couldnt be bothered and finished his game before checking the message.

" Meet me in *** cafe in 15 mins."

Gulf glanced down at his watch and then again at his phone. Mew had sent that 12mins ago....and he needed at least 8 mins to reach the cafe. He was gonna be late....

Gulf was sure this was probably the worst decision he'd ever made....he was more a slave than a booked companion. Mew apparently didn't understand the idea of a companion...

Gulf grunted, grabbed his bag and ran. Of course he couldn't make it in 3 mins, but he had made it in technically he wasnt that late. 2 minutes wasn't a big difference, especially  when he obviously looked like he'd been running.

He had quickly spotted the table on which Mew was enjoying his tea, and made his way towards him before flopping down on the seat opposite Mew's.

" You're late." 

Gulf ignored Mew's comment and ordered a cooling lemon mint drink. Thanking the waiter, after she took his order. Mew was silent for the whole time until Gulf's drink was placed before him, and Gulf didn't mind the silence. He needed the time to catch his breath. Gulf sipped on his drink silently watching people come and go through the window.

"You're coming over for dinner tonight?" Asked Mew.

"Yeah." Was Gulf's quite reply.

" So I'm assuming you're cool with the plan for tonight?"


" Do you know any other words than "yeah"?" Asked Mew exasperated.


" Great!...yep and yeah....the options are truly limitless." Replied Mew sarcastically. "You've done this before so you should be fine. Right?"

Gulf gulped.....this was actually his first time...but he couldn't let Mew know that. "Yeah....."

" Well...that sounds reassuring." Said Mew passing his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"It'll be fine." Consoled Gulf feeling bad for Mew...he was obviously stressed out by the whole thing....but he was willing to do this for the person he loved. That had to be worth something.

He didn't know why Mew kept his lover a secret from his parents but he didn't ask. They both had their reasons and they had both made a deal. He would try his best.

Mew couldnt help but admire the comforting words that came out of Gulf's lips. He wasnt the talkative kind but he wasn't a bad kid, he had actually tried to calm him down with those words, and he couldn't help but appreciate it.

Somewhere the lines blurred, and he couldn't help but smile. "Yeah you're right...thanks."

Maybe it was the way Gulf smiled back at him, maybe it was that strong intoxicating smell that emanated from Gulf's body since he'd burst into the cafe. The same smell that had so many people looking their way. The kind of smell even Gulf himself wasn't aware of.

Mew waited until Gulf had finished his drink before leaving.

" Let's go." Mew said. "I'll give you a ride back."

"Oh yeah please....thank you." The words rushed out of Gulf's mouth, he couldn't help it. He looked back at Mew, his ears flushing in embarrassment.

Mew was surprised but couldn't help chuckling, his eyes curving into half crescents. " You're welcome."

'That was so cute.' Thought Mew to himself before shaking the thought out of his head.

Gulf smiled accepting and thanking Mew for his offer. He had practice soon, and the run had exhausted him, so a drive back in a air conditioned car sounded divine.

They got up and Mew made his way to the cash register, but Gulf pulled on his arm.

"What are you doing?" Asked Mew shocked at the friendly contact, that coupled with the smell sent fire through his veins.

" Get the car, I'll meet you upfront." Said Gulf pointing to the door.

" But we haven't paid for our drinks."

" I did."

" You what?"

" Just go." Shooed Gulf walking to the register and grabbing his card back from the cashier.

Mew was floored, he had never walked out without paying. It felt so wrong, so weird. Yet somehow liberating.

It was fine, Mew told himself. Friends did that, they paid for each other. But his friends never did, and Gulf just did. Was Gulf a friend? Mew wondered.

He shook his head many times to clear it, as he drove the car and dropped Gulf on campus near the soccer field.

No, he was going to pay Gulf later on, this whole thing meant nothing. He told himself repeatedly.

But no matter how much he tried to deny it, the feeling kept growing in his chest. A foreign feeling, but nonetheless a pleasant one.


Hope you enjoyed that. See you in the next one~

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