𝗓𝗈𝗈𝗆 𝗆𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀

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my club (where i met my crush) is temporarily cancelled 😀
but thank you so much for 12k reads like- 🥺

♪electric love {slowed and reverbed} -børns

y/n~ your name

b/f/n~ best friend's name

c/n~ crush's name

c/l/n~ crush's last name

c/f/n~ crush's friend's name


I nervously put in the meeting ID to join the zoom call. It was my first one for this new class of mine so I didn't know who was in it. 

"Hopefully I have nice people in here." I muttered under my breath, just as I got accepted into the meeting.

"Good morning Y/N! How are you today?"

The teacher was looking at me expectantly, the rest of the class slowly coming to look at me too. I hastily turned my microphone on and said good morning back, turning it right off when I was done. 


I looked up to see if I could get my phone out without the teacher noticing, my eyes lightly scanning the rest of the members of my class. 

My mouth opened and then closed at the sight of one certain boy in the top right corner, who had one hand on the side of his face, looking in my kind of direction with a bored expression on his face.

Still taking quick glances at him, I took my phone out and started to text B/F/N;

'b/f/n omfg guess who's in my new english class?'

'who someone good?'

'uh c/n-'


"Y/N can you pay attention please? You can text your boyfriend later."

I dropped my phone onto my carpet, turning back to find the whole class staring at me yet again, some people holding back their laughs.

"Y/N has a boyfriend? Who?" C/F/N exclaimed loudly. 

At his sudden outburst everyone started to laugh, that being his usual behaviour from what I remember. "I wanna know though!" he added, looking at me. 

"Guys! We're trying to work here. This can be saved for after my class, ok?" Ms Smith said in a somewhat stern voice. 

At that we all quietened down, due to the fact we didn't want one of her so called 'zoom detentions'. C/F/N was still muttering to himself, though it was just about hearable, about my 'boyfriend'.

I was blushing furiously, not daring to look up until the class was over. I looked up for a second anyway, to find C/N looking intently in the direction where I was. My finger hovered above my mouse, pinning him on my screen a thought that was now pretty evident, though I didn't.

The rest of the class was boring really. I made some notes here and there, looking at C/N working quite peacefully whenever my eye started to wander, which was quite a lot. 

When the end of the lesson came, C/N left early. It was weird and everyone started laughing, going to leave themselves. 

"Everyone, stay where you are please! I'll be talking to Mr C/L/N about this later." Ms Smith said again in her increasingly annoying voice.

Everyone sighed, being finally dismissed after Ms Smith's lengthy talk about the homework. I was dismissed a little later, due to me 'being on my phone and texting my boyfriend'.


'how did it go?"

'eh it went ok. ms smith called me out in front of the entire class for being on my phone and texting my 'boyfriend' '

'ur what?? bitch you don't have one what's she on about'

'idk. anyway c/n left before we were even dismissed. like why did he do that?'

'hm idk but y/n ur in the same class as him!!'

I smiled as I clutched my phone, typing out a reply. Just as I was about to click send, I suddenly got a phone call. Thinking it was B/F/N, I answered without thinking as I got up and started my homework.

"B/F/N hey! What did you want to talk about? I mean we were texting just n-"

"B/F/N? Didn't you read who it was calling you, Y/N?" 

I stopped right in my tracks at the voice on the other end of the phone. 'C/N?' I whispered at the absolute shock of my crush calling me

"Y/N? You ok?" he asked in a worried voice. "Do you want me to hang up? I just need to... tell you uh something."

I was surprised at how nervous he seemed to be as well. Maybe this was about him leaving the class early. 

'Wouldn't he have called C/F/N though' I thought to myself, just as C/N was clearing his throat on the other end of the line. 

"About your uh boyfriend... yeah your boyfriend. Who is it? I just want to know." 

I blinked and collapsed onto my chair, not exactly knowing what to do or say. Even just saying 'I don't have one' scared me for some reason.

"I... um oh god... I don't have a boyfriend."

C/N breathed a sigh of relief after I had said that, my face stiffly awaiting his response. It wasn't like he was going to propose to me here and there or anything, in reality he probably didn't even care. 

"Good." was all he said before hanging up, leaving me in shock in front of my open textbook. 


'uh b/f/n i have a lot to tell you hgfgkj'

'ok spill'


'hello ik ur reading these'

I was unintentionally ignoring her, my eyes wide at the new notification on my screen, from C/N himself. His first ever message to me being:

'want to date me then?'


so so sorry that i haven't been updating btw 😿 ly guys!

peachy x
(982 words)
edited 30/08/20

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