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Satan: Like a virgin

Satan: Touched for the very first time!

America: Is that you, Russia?

Satan: .....No.

Satan: Bai.


America: *tells Matthew he has a crush on England*

Matthew: Oh..?

Later, that evening.

Matthew: *sends America a Snapchat*

America: *checks Snapchat*

Snapchat: *holds up a picture of Kirkland's* Ur only chance 2 get inside sum of dat


So there's this phone line established linking Washington and Moscow and I just...

America: What cha doin'

Russia: jfc Alfred, is 3am over here


China wears glasses when he reads. Just Imagine...

China: *at a world meeting*

China: *having a difficult time with reading the report*

China: Ah.. *puts on a pair of glasses*

Every other nation: China wears glasses?

Leia: That is fucking adorable! Can I buy 4 for $20?

Russia: Nyet. That is all mine~

Leia: .......Okai


France: All this water and I'm still thirsty for you~..

England: All this Smart Water but you still a stupid lil bitch.


Can 3p!England be this guy that believes he is Harry Potter so he goes around with these Ron and Hermione puppets and asks people of they wanna buy some magic?


Sayings by some random nations.


Japan: Kinda hurt, kinda offended, kinda not planning on saying anything about it.

Prussia: I'm alive but only ironically.

France: I'm sorry, I was thinking about myself, did you want something?

Russia: Imagine what it feels like to have friends. Wow.

Sealand: Um, excuse me. You shouldn't be paying attention to anyone else.


7 Ways to Get Over Fictional Characters

1. You don't

2. You won't

3. You can't

4. Don't even try

5. You really won't

6. You just can't

7. It's impossible

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