Chapter 48 - Mila

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Things have been crazy.

Dad and Mike have been working on his case the entire week. The apartment basically turned into Mike's second office; files, notes, and papers are scattered all over the place as they talk through everything.

I left them alone when I realized my presence only disturbed their flow, and decided to go for a walk to distract myself from the anxiety lingering in my bones, and also to get us some good food.

Mike heard me talk to Jasmine when I told her about the plan Hayden and I came up with, and he suggested we get him as our representative too. Apparently, the way both Meredith and Kim keep harassing us is borderline defamation, and in Hayden's case, it's even breaking and entering when they snooped around in his hotel room. We're prepared to take action as soon as we've gathered all the evidence we can, but for now we have to stay patient.

Patience means I have to stop myself from thinking of the fact that Hayden and Kim will be at that gala tomorrow. Knowing he'll have to act like a loving partner to her makes me cringe, and I'd love to cancel this entire plan just to have Hayden by my side again. But I can't. It's not how this works, unfortunately.

"Bye, Dad! Just text me your takeout order and I'll get it on the way back from the store," I call out into the apartment as I grab my wallet and keys.

"Will do, Buttercup, thanks!"

"Yeah, thanks, Mila." Mike shoots me a quick wave with the hand that's holding all those important documents, the sight of them making me sigh. We've been at it for hours, and as much as I want to support my dad... I can't wait but get out of this apartment for a moment, which says a lot.

Because we don't know if and when Meredith will release the picture she sent both me and Hayden, for now it has only been rumors that she spread, but until this is cleared up I'm trying to avoid going outside on my own.

Usually, I take the back entrance and do quick shopping trips to avoid any photographers. Even now, when I drive out of the garage, do I notice the people staring at me. I'm glad Hayden's car has tinted windows, that way they don't really know who's driving, but I still feel watched everywhere I go.

I quickly get through some groceries at this tiny shop, thinking that no one would look for me here. But even though I can't find any photographers or reporters, I can't help but feel watched, like someone has his eyes on me.

"Okay, Mila. Calm down. Everything is fine..." I mumble to myself, because that surely won't make me look like a paranoid insane person, sure.

After convincing myself, I make my way to the register where a very fragile looking old woman places the groceries on the counter in front of me.

She barely reaches the counter and has to bend down every time she wants to pick something out of her cart. The cashier shoots her an annoyed look and I can't help but be annoyed at the guy. Why is it so hard to be kind to people?

"Ma'am, can I help you somehow? Maybe put your items on the counter if that's alright with you?"

The elderly lady slowly turns around and shoots me a warm smile, her hands gripping onto the cart to steady herself.

"Oh, yes, dear. That would be lovely. I usually do those things myself, but I'm turning ninety-five soon, my bones don't get any better," she answers with a smile, and the cashier looks even more annoyed by now. Clearly this conversation is taking too long for her.

"Don't worry about it, I have all the time in the world," I look at the cashier when I reply making sure the guy knows I'm not kidding.

The annoyed look on his face makes me more than proud. I might not be a confrontational person, but I still like to see unfriendly people suffer.

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