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Only the epilogue left after this TT


Jimin did not know how his hands were suddenly on Taehyung but he only saw the wide eyes of his former best friend, how fucking terrified he looked, all the pain he kept inside of himself while Jimin all the time has believed that he meant nothing to Taehyung.

His insanity the only thing that made him keep going, his hatred for Jeongguk and obsession for Taehyung keeping him alive. But Taehyung, his Taehyungie has silently suffered and Jimin had no clue, instead blaming him for running to a demon and betraying not only him but also his church.

But this reveal changed everything. The church has betrayed Taehyung before he could do it, ruined his innocence through the ones that were supposed to offer them shelter and protection. And Jimin could’ve had the same fate if it wasn’t for Taehyung.

Taehyung who was so good, he put Jimin before his own well being and nearly broke on it before finding the one to soothe the pain in his heart and fell in love with him. Jeon Jeongguk might be the King of hell but in this case he was the angel Jimin could have never be.

And that brought him back to earth.

Jeongguk roared in unbelievable anger, grabbing Jimin by his own throat and brutally tossing him away, Jimin’s claws immediately letting go of Taehyung’s fragile throat but it was already too late.

He has broken Taehyung’s neck.

“TAEHYUNG!“, Jeongguk screamed on top of his lungs while Jimin stumbled backwards, falling to his knees and staring at his bloodied claws in shock. The blood of his Taehyungie.

“No”, he breathed out horrified while Jeongguk wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s lifeless body, Yoongi gasping in Hoseok’s arms before bursting into shocked tears, the demon lord has backed away in order to protect his Mate but released Yoongi who immediately stumbled to his best friend.

“TaeTae”, Yoongi cried out while Jeongguk was already mumbling spells, flames and red sparks appearing around him when he desperately tried to bring his Baby back to life. “No no, fuck c’mon, c’mon, Tae”, he mumbled under his breath, cupping Taehyung’s cheek shakily.

No one of them could describe the pain that Jeongguk was feeling right at the moment of holding his lifeless soulmate close to his body. 

“Babyboy, don’t leave me”, the devil whispered out, voice breaking at the end when a lonely black tear ran down his cheek.

“What have I done...?”, Jimin whispered, entire form trembling and he looked up, catching Hoseok’s eyes. Everything crushed over Jimin, what horrible, ruthless things he did and how many people he has destroyed on his bloody path.

All for a revenge that wasn’t even his to take.

“I became the monster you wanted to protect me from”, Jimin whispered, eyes now falling on Taehyung’s frame, his family close and crying. A family Jimin didn’t belong to. He knew the only way to receive forgiveness before his grief would eat him alive.

“Forgive me”, Jimin breathed out before lifting his claws and taking one last life.


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