Chapter 10:A Letter from UA

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3rd Person  POV.

'What should I have for breakfast....," (Y/N) half awakenly thinks as she strode  towards her immaculate kitchen ,tiredly she opened the fridge and decided to cook pancakes since it was still 5 in the morning.

'Pancakes .....soft.... delicious pancakes.....'

Carrying the eggs she closed the fridge door with her foot and started to prepare the ingredients as well as the materials for her pancake .

"What should I do today....I don't have work,"she mumbles while mixing the batter well together to create the perfect liquid thin cake.


Hearing her phone's notification she stopped and tapped her watch that she had made.The watch was connected to her phone and has many applications installed on it which made her grateful that she thought of such gadget.In a second a hologram of the message appeared .

From:Doctor Hatori

(Y/N)  can you do Lila's shift in the hospital today cause she apparently caught a flu and we are short on doctors and nurses.

"I guess I'll be going to the hospital then ...maybe I should make some sweets for the doctors and nurses as well as some of my patients...."

"Type....I will ,"she said as her watch automatically tapped the message of it's creator .

Time skip:brought to you by chibi (Y/N) eating pancakes

(Y/N ) stood in the hallway outside  of  her last patient's door with an emotionless face , deliberately exhausted from her previous activities such as bringing sweets for the hospital staff's and her patients,checking the patients and etc.. Straightening her posture she gently knocked on the door as she heard a faint come in.

"Good morning Mrs.Todoroki,"upon hearing her voice the mentioned female smiled at her fondly.

"(Y/N) dear, there is no need for formalities just call me Rei,"the woman with long white hair and grey eyes said (Y/N) showed a ghost smile.

Stepping inside she went to the built in kitchen that was attached to the Rei's room .Opening the cabinets she took out a beautiful tea cup china set and began to heat some water.

"So how are you Mrs.T-,"she stopped when she felt Rei's stare and cleared her throat.

"I mean Rei,"chuckling at (Y/N) ,Rei couldn't help but feel happy as the girl  stirred the Earl grey tea that she brought from the store on the way towards the hospital.

"I'm doing fine (Y/N),"Rei said while watching the female brought the newly made tea to the table and gracefully pour her some tea to which she sipped with satisfaction at the familiar taste that only (Y/N) could make.

The blacknette then put down the woman's favorite snack next to her side.

"That's good to hear,"(Y/N) replied ,taking a seat across from her while sipping her own cup of tea in the tranquil room .

"(Y/N) you applied for UA right,"Rei questioned as she gripped her cup of tea with both her hands bringing the still half full tea on her lap.

"Yes,"the black headed girl replied now turning her attention towards the woman.

"I have a favor to ask you,"Rei said as her bangs hid her eyes that prevented (Y/N) from knowing her emotions.

"Can you look after my son for me"

(Y/N) put her cup of tea on the table as she thought about it.

"It's okay if you don't w-"

"I'll do it,"looking at (Y/N)'s eyes Rei englufs her into a hug making the female awkwardly pat her back not used to intimate gestures yet.

"Thank you..... thank you.....,"Mrs.Todoroki couldn't help but feel grateful towards the female as she let tears slip her eyes and flow down to her cheeks .Sobbing she continued to mumble out those words that came from her heart.

For Rei (Y/N) could be considered as an angel because (Y/N)  was the one that helped her regain her sanity and was like a daughter to her.

The alluring female then felt the wetness on her uniform that made her realize that Rei was crying,taking out a white handkerchief and pulling away from Todoroki,she wipes her tears away. (Y/N) doesn't trust her own words so she just use her actions even though it was always misunderstood.

"It's no problem Mrs.Todo-Rei,"(Y/N) said not yet comfortable in calling the older woman's given name.

"But still thank means a lot to me,"Rei stated as she squeeze (Y/N)'s hand making the latter feel warm.

Time flew by while the two chatted and it was then the time for (Y/N) to leave after bidding Rei farewell to which the woman just gave her a caring smile ,bidding her goodbye.

Arriving home (Y/N) checked her mails and one letter in particular caught her attention.

"A letter from UA?,"closing the door she neatly ripped the paper and saw what seemed to be a hologram or projection set.


"HELLO YOUNG (Y/N) I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT YOU MADE IT TO UA WITH AN OUTSTANDING POINTS THAT HAS BEEN RECORDED AT SCHOOL THAT I MYSELF AM IMPRESS WITH YOUR SKILLS,"All Might boomed as he started telling (Y/N) on how she was first place in the entrance exams and hope to see how she will grow in the future.

"YOU ARE IN THE HERO COURSE CLASS 1-A,HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON YOUNG (Y/N)",and with that said and done the projection stopped .

"I guess I made it in then,"sighing (Y/N) was going to prepare her dinner when she saw a box on the kitchen's table.

Walking towards the box she saw a letter that came from her older sister who was going to say hi to her before she went back to Chicago.

Dear Y/N,
        You meanie(。ŏ﹏ŏ)I told you that I was going to visit you and yet you aren't home so I helped myself with some coffee jelly you made,it was so good (☆▽☆) .Anyway (Y/N) I made you dinner ,so you better eat it up. I heard that you made it in UA  so congratulations !!! Mom and Dad are gonna be so proud ( ╹▽╹ )

PS.Please reply to my message I miss you so much

Your Older Sister♥️

(Y/N) immediately opened her fridge and slumped on her white flooring when she saw that the coffee jelly that she had prepared to energized herself was eaten by her sibling.

'My coffee jelly,'she sulked as she stood up and looked at her sister's cooking which made her lightly gulp.

A purple like substance was smoking as an image of a skull appear on it.The blacknette took a spoon and the spoon instantly melted before anymore horror could happen (Y/N) put the supposed 'dinner' into a capsule and dug into her backyard ,burying the deadly food .

'I guess I'll just eat ramen,'(Y/N) told herself , not in the mood to cook because of her sister's cooking.

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