Special: A Whole Week of Dates

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Alternative Title: Spending Time With William but then it turns into a whole week of dates without (M/N) noticing. Then the kids want their mom back-
Possibly Part 1 of 2?
Possibly canon.
[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

"(M/N).. Are you free tomorrow?" William asked gently

"I most likely will be." I answered looking through the documents about the Black Bull members

"Thank you, tommorow in the late morning? At the entrance to the forest. The one we usually go to." William replied

"Of course, just the two of us?" I asked

"Yes, I would enjoy that." William smiled.

"D-Don't you think people assume that we are dating or something?" I asked nervously.

William gave a smooth reply that if there was no one around then there would be no assumptions before taking his leave. I pondered over the conversation for a bit before returning back to the paperwork Yami had left me which I finished while relaxing in the forest. Quickly, I finished it off before going to cook dinner. Charmy immediately clung onto me while Vanessa was drunk at the table, crying about ... her booze being finished. Grey was there nervously patting her own head as she looked at me.

I got the message and gave Grey a head pat which Noelle walked in on and demanded one too with a pouting red face. My heart melted a bit at Noelle being a bit more open. However, this led to Charmy's jealousy so she needed headpats too and that led Vanessa who was drunk to assume I had favouritism so she needed plenty of headpats too. The food was served but all the guys were out so it was just the girls and I eating.

"Mommy, so what did that man say earlier?" Charmy asked

"Oh, he just wanted to hangout tommorow. Just the two of us so you can't come, sorry Charmy." I apologized

"Huuh?! Mom! Are you cheating on dad?! Are you two getting a divorce?!" Vanessa gasped in shock before crying in her drunken state.

"Uhm, I'm not together with Yami, darling so it's impossible to get a divorce. It's not a date, just two people hanging out. Please drink some water." I offered.

The dinner went well aside from that and I had to tuck everyone all into bed afterwards except Charmy because she was practically impossible to detach from me. They all came to my room in the middle of the night so I brought out the mattress and tucked them in again. Vanessa pouted and demanded a goodnight kiss, pouting like a child would before showing me her forehead while I laughed lightly. Still definitely drunk. I decided to give her and the others one too before climbing into bed and sleeping.

The next day came and I got ready after sneakily swapping my arm that Charmy was clinging to with a pillow. I made breakfast and ate while doing more paperwork before cleaning up. I had no idea why but I was nervous. I heard the knocking on the door and answered seeing William dressed up rather nicely. I felt slightly underdressed but he reassured me that I looked fine before we left. He chuckled when I told him I had to leave a note for my kids.

During the walk, William was surprisingly vocal about his deep love for nature and we both fawned over the types of flowers and the pretty colours some had. Once we both realised that we were both passionately talking about flowers and how we unknowingly held each other's hands, we looked away nervously with red faces. However, I never pulled away my hand and neither did he. We found an area to sit down and lounge. I grew flowers which we turned into flower crowns before placing them on each other's heads. Our faces were beat red when we left.

When I got back, I thanked William by nervously waving him off. The moment I stepped inside, Vanessa was glaring at William's back when he took off on his broom, furiously biting her nails. Needless to say, my children interrogated me about the hangout. Noelle handed me a letter from her brother which I read after I calmed down everyone and was by myself in my room. An invitation to lunch. There was food and I could talk to Nozel so I accepted.

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