A Rap Line Collaboration

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Yunki is staring at his monitor with distressed and peeved expression on his face. "It's gone?!" Yunki, fully awake now, fixes Namjun and Hoseok with a sharp glare.

"Hyung, I'm sorry. We just wanted to hear it, and..." Hoseok fumbles with his shirt, hoping to not make Yunki more angry than he already is.

Namjun stares at the floor with guilt, "I am SO sorry, man..."

Yunki starts rubbing his temples along with his forehead in frustration, "Sorry won't bring back a deleted song, will it? Don't talk to me unless you know how to get it back."


Hoseok and Namjun come to (Y/N) and tells her everything that happened in the room, their faces glum.

She places her hands on each of their hands to comfort them, "It's okay. I'll try to talk to Yunki about it."

"Do you think he'll forgive us?" Hoseok asks while his hands are gripping his hair.

"Of course! Don't worry about it. Just make sure you guys are careful next time, Yunki takes this stuff very seriously. " The female states as she rubs his back.

"We know, and we'll  make sure of that next time. I'm still worried..." Namjun carries a grim look in his eyes as his eyes are locked to the ground. Then, he seems to have made up his mind right then and there. He grabs Hoseok and drags him along.

"Huh? Guys, where are you going?"

Namjun keeps pacing while still hiding on to Hoseok, "This is the only way we'll see Yunki hyung again." The two of them barricade themselves in their room.

*A few days later*

Days pass and only four members- Seokjin, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jeongguk- greet (Y/N) in the living room. "Where are the rest of you?"

"Yunki hyung's in the studio...as always." Jeongguk says gesturing towards where Yunki is.

"Hoseok and Namjun have locked themselves in their room, too. They won't come out." Seokjin states as his eyes are full of concern towards the room the two seem to be staying.

Taehyung looks at everyone with his confused, yet adorable puppy look, "Is locking yourself in your room the trend these days? I should take notes!"

The female starts to feel a strain in her head, "How can this be? First Yunki, and now both Hoseok and Namjun..."

The door to Hoseok and Namjun's room slowly opens. They stagger out to the living room, both sporting VERY dark circles beneath their eyes.

"It's...it's done!" Hoseok with his really tired facade, states excitedly.

Both smile tiredly and hold up a USB drive in victory.


Yunki inspects the drive that Hoseok and Namjun gave him. "You...recreated it?" He looks at it with a look of disinterest on his face.

"Namjun and I both made it." Hoseok happily replies. "I don't remember what the bridge sounded like, so I put my own twist on it..."

Yunki wordlessly presses play. Hoseok and Namjun swallow nervously.

"I had a lot of trouble with the bridge myself. You have an ear for songwriting." Yunki looks back at the two with an impressed expression on his face.


"Why'd you shift it to major key?"

"I thought it'd be nice for the bridge to switch to a brighter tone instead of keeping it moody. I probably shouldn't have. It had your flair in it."

"No. Your addition makes mine much more obvious. And this beat right here...It's Namjun's, right? It screams Kim Namjun." Yunki says looking towards Namjun.

"Yeah. If you don't like it..." Namjun rubs his arm in embarrassment.

"Do you want to work with me?"

Both Hoseok and Namjun look at each other in bewilderment by Yunki's unexpected request.

"It's better to work together than alone." Yunki looks at the two with a small but kind smile.

While they were conversating, (Y/N) was standing near the doorway not trying to be seen. She was smiling happily that the two were getting along again. 'Awww, this is making me feel all warm and fuzzy.'

She knocks on the door, "So, you guys made up?"

"Yeah, we're okay now." Yunki states as he nods towards her.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are working together from now on."

Hoseok ruffles (Y/N)'s hair as he smiles that heart shaped smile of his, "Thanks for the congrats, Manager. I'm so glad our hard work paid off."

Namjun smiles her way, "Yeah, we only got a few hours of sleep with those all-nighters, but it was all worth it!"

"Group hug!!" Hoseok squeezes (Y/N) while she pulls Namjun in. Leaving Yunki to attempt to quietly tiptoe away.

"Hey, Yunki! Get in here!" (Y/N) pulls Yunki by the arm and yanks him into the hug.

"Hey! Come on, let go!"

"Hehe, no way!"

They ended up keeping up this bear group hug for a while until Yunki had this look in his eyes seeming like he was going to attack them if they didn't let go.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A/N: Alrighty, I made another short chapter I'm sorry. But the good news is I will publish a little longer one later. Hope you guys are enjoying the story, please comment if you guys are liking it or if there are any errors I should fix. As always I purple all you beautiful ARMY and have a safe and happy day.💜🦋🌸

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