Chapter 30

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Jungkook POV
I woke up extra early this morning to get the area set up for Jimin. I saw it was 4AM and I got up. Jimin looked so cute and chubby. I went to the restroom and got ready for work. I asked the guy to be at my office be 5AM. I kissed Jimins head before leaving. Mom made me breakfast and I left. The builder was at the building when I got there. "Hello there are you Jeon Jungkook?" He bowed and I did the same. "Yes I am! Are you here for the building?" He nodded and we walked in. I showed him the way to the office and he measured it. I left him to work while I went to get paperwork from the front office. I went back and saw he was already building the area.
5 hours later
The guy was done with everything and I paid him. He thanked me and left the building. I checked the time and Jimin was probably awake. I hurried home and ran upstairs. Jimin was still sleeping and I was glad. I got back in my sweatpants and took off my shirt. I crawled back in bed quietly. Jimin started moving a bit. I crawled up to him and he cuddled me. I kissed him head and he opened his eyes slowly. He blushed and hid in my chest. "Baby it's time to wake up." I sat up and he crawled in my lap. I got up and walked to the bathroom with him clinged onto me. He looked in the mirror and gasped as he saw the suprisie I left him. I smiled and saw him blushing. Ichanged his clothes and mine again

 Ichanged his clothes and mine again

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I took is both downstairs and fed him

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I took is both downstairs and fed him. I was so excited for him to see his surprise. I packed his bag with the same stuff as yesterday. I got in the car and buckled Jimin up. I drove to the store first to buy stuff for the area. "Daddy why are we dowing here?" I smiled and picked him up. "I have a surprise for you and we need to decorate it with toys!" His eyes lit up and he smiled. I took him out and took him to the store. He smiled as he saw the toys. We bought plushies

 We bought plushies

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