20 || His End (FINALE: Part 2)

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The Man stands there with a firearm, shining with copper bullets dangling out like a tail.

His very presence causes BoBoiBoy to slightly quiver, yet his arms remain raised in front of everybody else. Numbness swells around his shoulders while the moonlit snow spills in the empty lobby. The Man venomously bellows. "That is so rude, wanting to leave without me."

First thoughts are to flee, but with a showering gun, they can't escape. Their plan was to exit without being caught. In exchange, execution. They all shake in the wintry horror, even BoBoiBoy, to The Man's delight.

"Is that really you, BoBoiBoy? Scared and cowering from me?" He walks closer. When BoBoiBoy steps back, he laughs once more.

"Your pleasure in seeing people suffer from you, it disgusts me." Of course, he's a Sadist.

There's no surprise when he cackles. "Disgust? Is that a word to you now, boy? Do you feel the repugnance you have against me like a fire scorching through your chest? Is it not painful? Can you even bear it?" he mocks.

What loathsome behavior. Now it loops in his head, he doesn't let the thought go. "Stop mocking me. I'm not weak."

The Man glares at his laughable twitching, but he stays put. "Are you trying to provoke me, son?"

It makes BoBoiBoy twitch even more. Son. He'd rather roll off a cliff than hear that for the first time. Part of him wants to slither another insult at him. If it weren't for hearing Yaya's nervous puffs behind him, however, he would've feasted attacking him at least just once.

Another shiver rolls over his body. He shouldn't derive pleasure from other's hurt. He won't be any different.

"You are really trying to make me unleash everything I have in store for you, are you not?"

"No- Stop- I swear, you better not touch them or-"

"Or what?" The Man grins, smoke withering up from the ground before his skin blackens and grows into the grisly jaguar. Its gasp reeks of flesh and blood. "You will fight me? Huh? HUH?"

Screams break away as soon as The Jaguar growls and jumps into them. In one sweep, they scatter, skidding and hopping away from his insane size. Worry creeps into Yaya's head, thinking she won't jump that far back. Still, they're left unscarred.

In BoBoiBoy's protection, she'll be safe. It may not be certain, but it's a good enough belief to try and live by.

Other than Gopal's angry mumbling, the night is eerily quiet. The weapon of his choice is a club, but bigger, deadlier, clad with spikes resembling the ones on Ying's shoulders. He brandishes it for The Jaguar to see.

BoBoiBoy's arm comes in front of him right as he was about to swing it. "You won't stop him with that, listen!"

The Jaguar cuts him off. "Well, it was about time you actually realize the flaws you have without me."

Anymore energy left in BoBoiBoy to swallow that sobering fact is gone. Or to correct, it is no fact, but a sham. The words don't matter to him, that is, looking at it on the outside.

From Yaya's eyes, BoBoiBoy looks vulnerable, with his guard dropping lower by the second. The Jaguar continues to mumble, bringing BoBoiBoy frozen. His chest blows with gusts of bitter winds.

"This is what happens when you try and rebel against me," it growls. "Too bad I don't have your collar right now. I would have made you cry for real.

"Oh, wait. I do," it says, curling a tail to reveal the unbuckled belt of leather, strapped with blood-curdling wires of lightning.

Even from afar, it clings on his neck. He retches at the notion.

(#BBBXCOVID1920) The Final SadistWhere stories live. Discover now