Go Out, young Witches!

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They'd been avoiding each other for weeks. This was entirely spontaneous and entirely painful for everyone involved. They had the same schedules, school then library till sundown then home. There hasn't been a word between them, just stray glances, blushes and secret longing looks. Ever since that enchanting Grom fight neither of them could look at eachother in the eye for longer than a second. The trouble is that they both want to ask the other out in the most fantastic way ever. After dancing in the starlight, these witches had independently decided that they were going to get closer to those wonderful distant balls of light.

She was obsessed. Much to the distress of her friends. She'd never been so driven, so determined, so studious. In the past 2 weeks she'd learned 8 spells and she was working on two more. She'd read more books in the past two weeks than she had in the previous 14 years of her life. She'd been more focused on reaching the stars than on anything. She decided on her plan. Terraform the moon then take a space elevator or teleport or something there. That surely should demonstrate enough magical competency to get the powerful blight to fall madly in love with the silly human.

She was obsessed. Much to the disappointment of her family. She's been determined before, studious was her middle name. But never quite like this. She was up at nearly all hours of the day. The study light barely came off during the night. She's read more books than she thought possible. She decided on her plan. Build a sort of shell that they could get into on the boiling isles and fly into stars. And then fly back when they were done. If they got done. Surely seeing stars in another dimension would be fantastical enough to get the excitable human to fall madly in love with the uptight witch.

Luz has a good foundation, never being good at math or science hadn't stopped her from chasing starlight. Even back at home shed like to travel to space somehow some way. She's read about terraforming from a long running space adventure log series. She figured the process should be simple with magic. Leave spells there that warmed up the rock releasing gas, leave plant spells there to make it livable and then use her trusty ice to take her there presto.

Amity was a magical genius and she figured designing a transparent hull would be easier than it turned out to be. She accomplished it though and after it had withstood enough destruction spells for her satisfaction she began designing some propulsion magic. Though her progress was frustratingly slow, with many relevant books relating to increasing the power of simple spells having already been checked out. So she decided to focus her her efforts on researching the conditions of space, something that had never really perked her interest before turned out to be fascinating.

Luz was familiar with space, that being the only science topic besides biology to ever had held her attention. So she instead focused on making her simple spells more powerful. Apparently a popular pastime since she was asked to return them early as they were in high demand. Luz didn't mind she simply scanned them with her phone, for later reference. Luz was pretty sure she designed three different series of interlocking Light glyphs that would summon a light ball as bright as the sun. Channeling her inner-elder-Blight she decided to pull a prank with it. She decided that just as the sun was setting one day she'd test them out and see which design worked best. That very day she climbed to the knee of the boiling isles and tested them. The first glyph, a very large glyph with very large glyphs, was big, that didn't change, the size of the effect was directly related to the size of the glyph. But it was sort of dull. Not as bright as a sun, Luz reckoned it would look like one of those stars she was so desperate to show Amity to those down below. If it weren't still mostly day out. Test two was a small glyph filled up with as many glyphs as possible. It had taken lots of precision and attention to detail to complete but depending on the results it could be worth it. Luz tapped the glyph, it was the exact same size as a normal light glyph spell but many times as bright. This was good news, supporting evidence for her hypothesis. It seemed that the density of light spells was important. She pulled out her final glyph, trembling with excitement. A large glyph as big as the first, filled with many smaller glyphs filled with many even smaller glyphs. Luz tapped the glyph and It worked! Luz didn't dare gaze upon the ball itself for fear of blinding. But she left quickly hoping not to be caught by whatever magic authorities might come to investigate.

Amity was walking home on a beautiful evening with her nose in a book. She took a long exhausted breath and looked up, trying to keep her eyes on the prize. Without being able to look at Luz though, the stars had made an adequate replacement. The stars, she thought, were almost as beautiful as Luz, especially those new ones over by the knee of the island. Amity continued to her home, almost not noticing when the island was plunged into the afternoon. She was grateful to not have to expend extra energy on lighting up her home study space.

The people around the two star-crossed, star-bound and star-stupid spellcasters, were sick with the stress of the situation. Willow and gus had done their best to support Luz early on, making sure she was sleeping and eating but their patience had worn thin with their eccentric friend. Especially after discovering what she was doing. Especially especially after discovering what Amity was doing. Not wanting to ruin either witches surprise they begged Luz to just talk to Amity but Luz made it very clear that was out of the question until she could properly impress Amity. Neither willow nor gus had the confidence to approach anyone in the blight camp about the situation so they had to eventually accept there was no stopping Luz noceda.

The elder blight siblings were impressed with their younger sister's dedication. They were awed at her newfound ability to ignore pranks and focus wholly on studying. Intrigued by her new found determination, they were reading the books she left behind, stalking her movements in the library and carefully following the clues to ascertain what Amity was about. After about a week they got it, and went to spill the beans to maybe the only people besides Amity, themselves and Luz to care: Gus and Willow. The Blight twins and the two underclassmen exchanged stories and after exchanging information all promptly slapped themselves in the face. But they also agreed, it wasn't their place to interfere. Well not too much. They decided that they would do their best to make sure that the two girls finished their plans at the same time.

So it was roughly three weeks after Grom. Amity had mastered all the complicated spells and had the stamina to do them in rapid succession to get to space. All that was left was to muster up the courage to ask Luz out, a task made more difficult by the fact that they hadn't had meaningful interaction in three weeks.

Luz had completed the glyph designs and had already made the moon habitable; her plan was complete. All that was left was to muster up the courage to ask Amity out. A task that really didn't daunt her that much. She'd just run into her at school or something.

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