Chapter Sixteen

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Tiffany's POV

"What's going on, why are you calling from jail?" I asked a lump forming in my throat and my breathing became heavier. Once I got over the initial shock, my breathing returned to normal.

"Look, I only have a minute so if you can find a way to get me out of here, I'll explain everything,"he said talking fast like he working the drive thru. We've been friends for so long, so of course I had no problem understanding him. Texting Ashley, Deserae and Carmen, they all showed up ten minutes later apparently they were hanging out near here.

"Ok, I got more thing, please don't drop the soap," I warned. He smacked his teeth and someone in the background said times up. Then, the only thing I heard from there was a dial tone. Ashley and Deserae were looking at me weird while Carmen laid there looking confused. "Ok," they said impatiently, waiting for me to let them know what's up.

"Dontae's in jail, we have to find a way to get him out and quick," I added.

"I got eighty dollars in savings,"Carmen said.

Deserae reached in her jar and started counting, while Ashley dug through her purse finding money and different compartments. Opening my stash, I started counting myself.

"I have $280," Deserae said.

"I have $60,"Ashley added.

"Ok, and I have $124, so we may have more than enough. So, let's just be on the safe side and bring all we have. Ashley, get your keys you driving, let's go," I instructed. We didn't even bother changing, instead we all piled into the car and drove off. My mind was racing with so many thoughts, so driving was out of the question. All of a sudden, my throat got dry.

"Anybody got something to drink?" I asked looking around. Carmen handed me a bottle water from the back, thankfully it hadn't been open. Opening it, I gulped it halfway down and closed it. Finally, my mouth felt like my thirst had been quenched. See, water gets the job done better than any gatorade will. Anyways, we pulled up to the jail and it was huge with bob wired fences. Security guards were all around securing the premisis. Ashley parked and we all got out and headed inside.

The place had an odorous smell. People were yelling and it sounded like people were fighting. My heart begin to speed up as well as my legs. A big black lady was sitting at the front desk on the phone. From the sounds of it, it seems like a personal call. This the type of shit that make a bitch wanna nut up. Now, she got one more minute before I get out of character and cause a scene. Times up! "Excuse me! "I said through the hole. She looked at me, then rolled her eyes. Taking a deep breath, I'm not gonna do this. Right when I was about to slam my fist into this glass, she hung up.

"May I help you?" She asked putting her face in her hands. The lady had short hair and long rainbow colored finger nails that looked more like claws. At first, I was gonna so no, but I could help you to some slim fast or on a treadmill. But, I can't even bring myself to be mean to anyone, its just not in my nauture.

"Yes ma'am, we're here to make bail for Dontae lewis."

"That will be $510," she said after typing up something on her computer and pulling out a file. Deserae counted faster than all of us, so he handed her all the money and she quickly handed me exactly $510. Looking at the money, I sighed then I handed it to the lady. Sitting there, she counted it out and called an paged an officer to get Dontae. He has alot of explaining to do, how dare he get arrested this is not even like him, I thought.

Dontae walked out and the lady handed him his wallet, cellphone and chain. "I don't wanna see you back in here," she said. Walking away, everyone was silent. Dontae held the door open for us, then followed behind us. Ashley and Deserae were in the front while Carmen, Dontae and I were in the backseat. He kissed me, yet I didn't change my facial expression, because I wanted to know how all of this happened. "Are you gonna explain?" I asked breaking the tension that had bolantantly settled in.

"Well, he scratched his head. The day you were in the hospital, I was ease dropping and once I got the news on why you were there I lost it. Soon as I heard what happen, I paid Jerome a visit. I know what your thinking, but its not even like that. He deserved it, besides he shouldn't ever put his hands on a woman, especially not my woman.When I got there, he looked at me as if nothing had just happened. So, I beat the shit out of him and he fell to the floor hard. Jerome is a grown ass man and he has no right to lay hands on you, no matter what the situation is," Dontae said bawling his fist and clenching his jaw.

"Its ok baby, everything is fine now," I said pecking him on the cheek and cuffing his hands.

"Can we get something to eat, because jail food is so gross," he said rubbing his stomach. Ashley drove to a Wingstop and we all put in our orders at the drive thru. Twenty minutes later, our food was ready Ashley grabbed it and passed it to Deserae and we all passed each others order. Before leaving, we checked our bags to make sure they didn't leave anything out. Eventually, we pulled off since someone started honking the horn behind us to go.

Since today was such a beautiful day, we all agreed to hang out at the park. I'm so glad winter ended, I hate the cold. I'm so backwards, because now that its summer I need to be cooled down. Oh well, I'm only human don't judge me. The park was full as usual. Only time people were barely here was when they were too busy trying to stay warm in the house.

The minute we all set up at a table and begin eating our food. People swarmed around us like bees, instead of looking for the next flower to suck nectar out of they had their hands out. Carmen and I were the only two sharing. Narrowing my eyes at Deserae she smacked her teeth.

"What? They didn't put nothing in on this and Not getting nothing from it," she said and continued eating her wings. Shaking my head at her, I picked my last wing up and nibbled on it. Sipping my coke, I was relieved that all the people left us. Dontae and I got up to go walking and Deserae and Ashley walked over to the guys sitting on a bench playing music.

"Babe?" Dontae said.


"Thank you for having my back," he said taking my hand in his.

"Always," I said squeezing his hand.

Dontae's POV

Those wings tasted so good, I took my time to savor the taste. Once I finished, I stood up to go for a walk with Tiffany.


"Yeah?" She responded.

"Thank you for having my back," I said holding her hand.

"Always," she replied squeezing my hand.

Grabbing her by her waste, it felt so good to have her next to me again. Jail was no walk in the park, that's for sure. Guys trying to get at me, fighting them off. Sleep was far from me and I already know after I take a shower sleep is gonna be my bestfriend. Kissing my girl on her neck, she started laughing. Damn, I missed that laugh so much. I felt like I was gone for months, when in reality it had only been a little over a week.

"Either you happy to see me or something moving in your pocket," Tiffany laughed. My phone was vibrating and when I looked at was an unknown number. So, I ignored it, but the same number called again after we made ourselves comfortable on the jungle gym. So, I ended up jumping down and answering the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" I asked.


"Hello"...I said again.

"Watch yo back, this ain't over," I heard someone say, then hang up.

Pulling my phone from my ear, I looked at it like it was the worlds hardest puzzle. Who could that be? Why should I watch my back! Damn, I just got outta jail, I can't afford to keep getting in trouble. Tiffany threw me a questioning look and I already knew she was concerned, but I don't need her being stressed over nothing. So, I'll just make something up to keep the mood just the way it is.

"It's nothing babe, just a voicemail from my mom worried about me," I waved it off. "I'll call her later," I said climbing back up sitting next to her. The rest of the evening was spent laughing and talking and me catching up on everything I missed out on from when I was away. It seems like she have been having a pretty good time without me. No worries, I'm back and I'll make it up to her.

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