Clashes and Quarrels

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{Gonna end this with a cliffhanger!
Comment! Vote!}

Matt ran the last few metres and pulled Diana into a tight hug. She eased into his embrace and rested her head on her father's shoulders. He then pulled away and his face lost the worried expression. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING!?"

Elsa flinched at his tone. "Sir, we-" "Not a word from you.", Matt ordered, "Both of you have been having a bad influence on my daughter." Diana's widened. "Dad!" "Really, a pre-graduate trip?", Matt asked, his voice faltering.

By that time, the police, Arnold and Tessa had reached them. The moment Tessa was in front of her dripping wet friends, fat tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" Her father glared daggers at the other teenagers.

One of the police stepped forward and spoke in fluent English, "Our sources tracked their names to Maria La Gorda Diving Centre. Apparently, the diving suits they have rented haven't been paid for."

Matt, after giving a glare at the children, asked, "Well, how much is it?"

"3402 dollars."

Matt staggered back. "W..what?" He turned to his daughter and asked sternly, "Why did you rent something so expensive? And for what? Why are your tanks dented? What are you doing in CUBA????!" Diana opened her mouth and was about to answer when he raised his hand, gesturing to her to stop. "Your mothers are worried sick back home. Elsa, Brenda will kill you."

He turned to the police and pulling out his wallet, handed them 4000 dollars. "The rest is for your help. Thank you so much." The police smiled and one of them said, "Keep your kids out of trouble. They are lucky that they are underage. Entering Cuba without any visa could get them jailed."

Arnold and Matt glared briefly at the teenagers. They slowly shrunk back, knowing that facing the elders will probably be harder than defeating Traccia.

The police, after sorting out some official work, transported the six of them to the airport. Elsa, Lyon and Diana had changed back to their dry clothes. The plane ride back to Massachusetts's, although a short one, was quite long for all of them.

Tension filled the air. Arnold and Matt didnt speak a word to the children. Elsa had consoled Tessa. She knew that if her parents were alive, they would have killed her but Nash would have said that she was the most awesome person on planet Earth. The only problem was that, they weren't alive.

Lyon was cracking his knuckles, which he does whenever he was nervous or scared. He didnt want to imagine the condition his mother was in when she realised that he wasn't even in the same continent.

Tessa never felt so guilty in her whole life. How could she have not seen the many flaws in their plan? Her father hadn't said a word to her. All he did when he saw her was grab her hand while the police questioned her. What would her mother say?

Her father's scolds echoed in Diana's head. Kaitlyn will be after her head. How do they explain to them why they were in Cuba? Its very unlikely that they would believe that their children are the incarnations of three powerful magical beings.


Kaitlyn George, Amylia Richards, Brenda Collins and Rosalind Kewrell waited anxiously outside the airport. The mothers' eyes were red from crying and Brenda's hand were red from wringing them together.

Rosalind and Arnold, the moment they received the news that their daughter was missing, stormed to the Georges mansion. After a heated quarrel between Arnold and Matt, they came to a compromise, deciding to search for the children together.

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