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Chapter Twenty-Seven


A/N : Aleara is the female Head camp counselor, and Raphael's supposed mate. She has raven-coloured hair, and is totally gorgeous. She was the girl who snapped at Peyton. Jus in case you forgot:-P


Aleara's P.O.V

    Carrying the blade sheathed in my hand I left the camp. I gripped it tightly in my hand as I anxiously approached Deregu forest. My heart was beating fast, pounding like bricks through my chest. I hoped he would be there. I told him early morning. He was lucky I was even agreeing to meet him.

   The grey sky cast a shadow over the trees, as I stepped into the damp earth. I bit my lip, looking around at the maze of trees all around. I knew all the pathways like the back of my hand. The air was frigid, and suddenly cold. The effects of a rainy spring. My boots made not a sound as I treaded deeper into the forest. A slight wind blew a strand of hair from around my face.

   Once the sight of the camp cabins were completely hidden from view, I leaned against a the bark of a huge oak and waited. My heightend sense of smell allowed not only the scents of dew and wet moss to infiltrate my nostrils but the clear, earthy smell of the dirt. The chlorophyll in the grass and leaves. I bit my lip again anxiously. My worst fear was to be discovered here by one of the Guardian Angels. My lips narrowed into a scowl. Or worse...by that pesky camper, Peyton Clarke. My chest panged painfully.Why was Raphael so unnaturally in love with her?

     The crunch and rustle of footsteps made me focus. My heartbeat sped up as the familiar smell of werewolf and Axe perfume wafted around me. Slightly unnerved and scared I stood with bated breath as I watched him emerge from the shadows wrapped from head to toe in dangerous black. My vision wavered in awe as he approached me. Despite it all, he was so beautiful.

   He wore black combat boots and black Levi jeans. Hugging his abdomen and chest was a black T-shirt, and over his shoulders, a black leather jacket. His body was still the tall, leaned but tone structure it was two years ago. I almost swooned over his chilling blue eyes. I swallowed a gulp. I had to deal with our...business first. My mouth went dry as he smirked before speaking.

   "Aleara. You came." He breathed, eyes glistening. My eyelids drooped in what I hoped was an enticing manner. I stepped closer to him, so that our chests were inches apart. I held out the blade, before shooting him a smirk of my own.

   " You promised me something." I replied, rolling my tongue. His pupils narrowed. I flinched as he theft the blade from between my fingers. His smile disappeared as I held out my long arm. The blue veins pulsed greedily. I saw the desire in this eyes as he licked his lower lip.

     " Are you sure about this Aleara? I'm giving you time to back out." He offered, voice cracking. Guilt surged through my blood, but I tried to ignore it.

     "Brus. I betrayed my whole pack for you. This is nothing. Once...I'm given what I'm owed." I rationalised noticing a slight edge to my voice. His eyes turned black, and his glare hardened. Swiftly, he snatched my wrist, causing me to wince.

    "You should know that Thaddeus and Victoria survived. Dimitri died. I appreciate what you did for me, Aleara, but I hope you know that what you did can't ever be undone. Victoria and Thaddeus will go after Peyton. They will kill her." He hissed harshly. My glare hardened.

    " I don't care about her. I only care about Raphael. They don't touch him, Brus. Do you understand me? Not a hair on his head. " I growled fiercely, and I became annoyed as he smirked in amusement.

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