Chapter Fifty

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5 Years Later..

NOVA LAID IN FLOWERS LISTENING TO THE BIRDS SING AROUND HER. She wiggled her toes around in the grass as she pulled her gown up above her ankles. The sky in Asgard that morning was blue, so incredibly blue it reminded her of Thor's eyes.

"What are you reading Dalla?" Nova asked turning her head to the blonde laying in the grass beside her.

"It's a tragedy of two lovers whose deaths bring together their once feuding realms."

Nova's eyebrows creased with thought, "So it's Shakespeare?"

Dalla turned her bright eyes to the brunette shaking her head in disagreement.

"You know Romeo and Juliet?" Nova added flicking a curl off of her face.

"I have never heard of this Shakespeare. This story comes from generations of Asgardians and is written in a language so complex I can hardly distinguish it. I am always one for romances you know."

"Hmm," Nova Lee mumbled taking in Dalla's words.

The freckled girl eventually sat up brushing the grass off of her dress.

"The sun is almost completely up, which means I have to return to my duties," Nova said as she stood taking handfuls of her gown with her.

She put a hand up to her face blocking the glowing sun from her eyes as she peered down at Dalla, "I expect to meet you for lessons later today."

The young girl sat up on her elbows with a childish grin on her face, "it is you I should be reminding. Do try to be on time for once!"

Nova chuckled as she walked the grassy hill back down to the palace, "I am a busy girl you know!"


The freckled girl passed the library on the way back to her chambers. Thor promised it would be much grander than before once rebuilt. The god did keep his word. Books were filled neatly on giant shelves lining the two story building. The corners were filled with elegant sofas and silk cloths to sit on. The ceiling was one large window letting light pour in, and even better allowing the starry night sky to come alive at night.

"I figured I'd find you here," Nova said with a smile peaking her head into the libraries doorway.

The raven haired man peered up from his book, his green eyes gleaming with amusement, "have you come to be a bother?"

Nova stepped in walking around the room mindlessly while speaking, "of course not Loki, I have more important things to do then amuse you."

He slammed his book shut placing it back on the shelf before grabbing another.

"Seems not dear Nova."

Loki had spent most of his time in the library once it was rebuilt, looking for books on witchcraft. Frigga's magic had his attention and inspired him to practice some of his own. As if the man wasn't already troublesome enough he was now sprouting vile things up in thin air. Snakes, large beasts, and even at times his own clones. Thor was rather agitated by his brothers antics but Nova was happy with his new found abilities.

"Would you just leave a message for Thor?" Nova asked with crossed arms and a grand smile.

"Tell him to meet me in the gardens late tonight, we need to talk about the living arrangement for the Asgardians on the southern end of the palace."

"And is there a preferred method on receiving this message?"

"Kindly would be ideal. Thank you much Loki."

Loki smiled with a cat like grin, "you must stop using me for my abilities you vicious girl."

"Right when you stop using me for mine!" Nova yelled back recalling the time Loki requested a storm so he could avoid his fighting lessons to stay in the library.

The brunette ignored the harsh comments Loki made under his breath as she continued on her way. No one quite understood why the girl frolicked with the god of mischief, not even Thor. But Nova saw something in Loki the moment she met him. And regardless of what others thought, she admired his courage to act exactly as he was. After spending much time with the man she realized his familiar words were true.

You are just like I.

Troubled people looking for a place to belong. In Nova's mind, they both had gotten what they deserved. For Loki it was forgiveness and recognition. For Nova... it was Thor.


only a few chapters left..

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