Chapter 9. Halloween ☾

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A/N: All Characters Belong to JK Rowling and the Harry Potter series

The next few weeks at Hogwarts went by fairly quickly. Harry was starting to realize how much he still remembered, since it took himself no time at all to finish his homework each evening. I could probably ace my OWL's this time, he thought. Harry and Draco's first Quidditch practice went without flaw. They were both brilliant at their positions. Finally, Halloween came around, but so did thoughts of Harry's parents.

"You know, I didn't even really know when they died until I saw their Gravestones. I realize so much now. Every year I always celebrated Halloween with so much cheer, not knowing just a decade before, I lost my parents." Harry thought aloud.

"Perhaps it was for the best. Seeing as you were always happy on Halloween. Remember third year when you spent the afternoon with Professor Lupin?" Hermione reminisced.

"Yeah, I suppose it was his way of making sure I wasn't alone. Though he wasn't aware of that I had no clue about their death day." Harry grumbled. Draco sat there quietly, not having anything to add to conversation.

"Well we should head off for charms, we wouldn't want to be late. If I remember from last time we're practicing Wingardium Leviosa again and this is the perfect time to gain back the points we always loose from potions. I know Neville doesn't try it but he really needs to be more careful, especially around Professor Snape." Hermione rambled.

"I never knew you worried so much about house points before, Granger. " Draco drawled.

"I do!" Hermione said quickly, "I am just thinking ahead, if we don't get involved with Norbert again, we actually have a chance of winning the cup without cheating. I'm only worried since we hopefully won't have get points from Dumbledore for bravery again." She explained.

Harry agreed and they walked towards their last class before lunch. As things played out, Hermione found herself correcting Ron again

"Stop right there, Weasley, that's not how you say, you are going to poke someone's eye out. It Win-gar-dium Leviosa, you have to make the 'gar' long."

"if you know everything then why don't you do it!" Ron bit back.

The trio all performed it perfectly.

"Oh! Well done Mr's Potter and Malfoy and Miss Granger, 15 points to Gryffindor" Professor Flitwick cried. Everyone could see Weasley was in a bad mood after that. As they were walking back to Gryffindor tower, Ron was talking to Neville Longbottom and Dean Thomas, and the trio overheard a bit of conversation.

"She's such an insufferable know-it-all! She'll always be alone for that. I bet Harry and Malfoy only are around her for pity. She's a disaster honestly, if she wasn't Harry and Malfoy's charity work, she wouldn't have any friends at all." Ron berated

Hermione listened and willed the tears not to come. She noticed they were walking past the second floor girls bathroom and excused herself. She tried not to let it get to her this time but it didn't work. Even though she knew he was evil, or at least was going to be, she also still remembered loving him, as friend and more. While she was gone, Draco stopped and turned to Harry.

"She looked up set, should we go after her?" He asked

Harry looked thoughtful, "Probably not, I mean in times like these she just likes to be alone. Trust me I learned from experience, she wants to be alone. Though I don't really understand why that upset her so much." He explained and whispered, "Ron's evil, why would she care what he thinks." Draco rolled his eyes.

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