Chap 10

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A sickening feeling filled my stomach as I entered the school gates. The twins gave me a nod before heading towards their class. I was scared. Scared how I should act. I knew I needed to take that first step but how?


Taking my seat next to Inha, I looked up to her. Giving me a wide smile, she drew nearer.

"How are you feeling now?" She inquired, propping her chin on her hand.

"I'm good. Thanks."

"Heyyy, look who's back." Chris called, frantically waving his hand as he took the seat next to me.

"Hello Chris." I stated, amused by his behaviour.

"Hi Aria." An intimate voice called.

I glanced up to see none other than InHo standing next to InHa's desk. He looked weary. His hair, all messed up, giving some serious 'I don't care' vibes. He had his usual black outfit on as his backpack hung carelessly on one shoulder. His hands stuffed inside his pockets.

"Hi." I responded, not knowing what else to say. I was perplexed by his altered behaviour. He used to keep away as if I carried a contagious disease. What happened to that not-caring personality?

In an attempt to break the awkward silence that was engulfing us, I spoke up. "Where's Taehyun? I scanned the classroom but he was nowhere in sight.

"Maybe he's late." Chris stated. "He didn't say anything about taking a leave today." InHa added.

"Glad to know I'm being missed." We all jerked our heads up too see SaNa standing in front of us. She crossed her arms as a tedious expression was etched on her face. 

"We were just talking about you." InHa giggled, trying to stifle her laugh at which she failed.

Miserably, might I add.

"You don't need to sugarcoat. I know how much I'm adored here." She said, giving us a once-over.

As we were immersed in our own world, a screeching sound was heard. We all turned our heads to see SooMin pull out the chair in front of us, an evil smile plastered on her face.

"Oops." She put a hand on her mouth acting all innocent.

"Drop the act." SaNa sneered, giving her a tedious look. 

I gulped as everyone in the class had their eyes on us. Chris and InHa both were seated in their places, their shoulders stiffened while InHo kept hold of InHa's desk. His knuckles turned white as his lips were pulled in a tight line.

Just as SooMin opened her mouth to say something, our homeroom teacher, Mr Lee entered. She opened and closed her mouth again, resembling a fish out of water which earned a chuckle from SaNa and InHo. 

"I hate her ever since she joined our school." InHa whispered, as we rose to greet our teacher. 

I made a mental note to ask her what she meant.

"Okay class, I have an announcement." Mr Lee said, closing the book as the lecture ended.

All the students groaned in unison while a few let out some not-so-cute words.

"Cheer up kids, we're going on a little trip." Mr Lee declared, giving a cheeky smile. Everyone gave a round of applause while I sat there - dumbfounded.

"Okay so," Mr Lee drawled out and that's when I realised it's not going to be a 'trip'. "We're going to Gyeounbokgung palace." He announced as the bell rang. He speedily gathered his things, giving us a quick wave before stepping out the door.

"Where's this Gongbong palace?" Chris questioned as everyone stretched back in their seats. 

"What did" Inha laughed, "you -just", another laugh, "-say?" She managed to finish her question as tears blurred her vision.

"Not now." SaNa stated, pointing to the door as the next teacher entered.


Grabbing my lunch tray, I jogged towards my friends. "Watch where you're going." SooMin hissed, intentionally pushing into me.

I knew the real meaning behind those words. She wasn't keen of me sitting with my friends. As I turned towards the exit, someone grabbed my hood.

Nervously, I turned around. "Where are you going?" Chris inquired, pointing to my lunch tray.

"I wa-" I was cut off as SaNa came with InHa on her side and they dragged me to their table. During lunch, Taehyun was nowhere in sight. I wanted to question but then I settled as it would be better not to.

'Not today' I reminded myself. 

"So, now tell me about that palace?" Chris demanded no one in particular. 

"I'm not very good at history." InHa giggled, twisting a hair lock around her finger.

"Don't look at me." SaNa stated, as she sipped her juice.

Taehyun's absence was felt strongly at the moment as he was the brains of this group. Chris looked upto InHo as his last hope. InHo exhaled, taking out his airpods, he stated. "Gyeounbokgung palace was built in 1935 under King Taejo's order during the Joseon dynasty." He paused, looking around as everyone had their jaws open.


"Ahh! I remember." InHa recalled, giving a sheepish smile. "It's the main and largest out of all the five palaces in Seoul." She finished.

"That was some killer info on your part." SaNa stated, looking at InHa as we all burst into laughter.


Hello beautiful people!!
Hope you're having a wonderful day/night. This update was quick  (hehe). Pls ignore any mistakes u came across.

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