Chapter 19.

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I watch as the EMT's rush a person in.

A teengae girl.

That's the second one today.

I sigh and go check on the patient across from the nurse's station.

I knock lightly and when I don't hear anything, slip inside quietly.

A younger boy is asleep in the chair across from the bed and I realize that he's the one who brought her in.

She's sitting up with her arms wrapped around herself staring out of the window.

"Hello, Sasha."

She flinches and mumbles something.

"What was that, sweetheart?"

"My name isn't Sasha." She says.

Confused, I check her chart:

Cameron, Sasha Diane

"But your chart says-"

"My name is Corrie."

I read further down her chart and see her past medical history:

Childhood schizophrenia and Dissociative identity disorder.

That explains it.

"Okay, Corrie. Do you know where Sasha is?"

After a couple minutes of no response, I turn to leave the room when she whispers so quiet I barely hear her, "Sasha's not here anymore."

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