Chapter 32

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Jungkook POV
I woke up to see Jimin next to me. He moved and whined slightly. I looked at the time and I needed to go to work. Jimin looked comfortable and I didn't want to wake him up. I got out of bed carefully not to wake up Jimin. When I was finished getting dressed I walked downstairs. Tae was in the kitchen eating breakfast while on his phone. "Tae when Jimin wakes up can you feed him?" He turned around and nodded. I sighed and left to my car. I missed Jimin and wanted him there with me. My new assistant, Su-an, likes Jimin alot. She always liked to play with him a lot. I walked in the office and placed my phone down on the table. I missed my baby so much! Hopefully Tae feeds him like I told him to. I wonder what time he'll wake up. I got my paperwork and wrote down what I needed to write down. I gave Su-an the week off since she worked really hard. I checked the time and it was already lunch time. The clock looked like it was wrong so I checked my phone. Apparently it actually was lunch time. I put my pen away and got up from my chair. I walked to my car and drove home. When I walked in I heard something I never would want to hear in a million years. "A-ah Jiminie don't do that!" I ran to the living room and saw Jimin SUCKING TAES NECK! "What the hell Tae?!" He looked at me and handed me Jimin. "I told him I wasn't you! I tried to feed him but he did that instead! I promise Jungkook you know I would never do that to you! He just sat on my lap still half asleep and started doing it! I'm sorry Jungkook!" Tae was close to crying so I hugged him. He went to his room. I looked at Jimin who was closing and opening his eyes slowly. He started to suck on my neck slightly. Is that normal for him to do? I don't know maybe it is. Maybe it's not. I bounced him lightly and he rubbed his eyes. "Baby it's time to wake up." He lifted his head up and smiled at me. "Baby I need to ask you something..." He looked at me with eyes that began to tear up. "W-what is it dadwy?" "Baby why did younsuck on Taes neck?" " i-i wike to do thwat daddy. It hwelps me rewax." I noded my head and he hugged me. I took him to our room and placed him on the bed. I got in and hugged my baby as he cuddled on my chest. "Baby do you know how much I love you?" He shook his head and looked away. "I love my baby so much." I kissed his head and hugged him making me the big spoon. We both fell asleep forgetting about lunch.
2 hours later
I woke up immediately looking at the clock. I was late for work and I rushed out of bed. Well tried to. Jimin was on top of me and clinging onto me. He was not gonna let go of me any time soon. I had 2 things I could do. Number : I could wake him up and he starts crying or Number 2: I take him to work with me. I'll take number 2! I got out of bed and carried Jimin. His bag was right next to the door so I grabbed ot on my way out. I got in the car and sat down with him in my lap. The drive to work was short but I was happy as Jimin snuggled on me. We got out the car and walked into my office. Jimin looked so cute and his cheeks looked chubby. I placed him in his bed and I gave him a plushie. He cuddled with it and the sight was adorable! I didn't want to do any work. I just wanted to watch Jimin sleep and look adorable. I sighed and got up. I walked to my desk and sat down grabbing a pen to start writing again. I felt a little sleepy since I rushed to work in such a hurry. I put my head down and decided to rest my eyes for a little bit.
30 minutes later
"Daddy! Wake uwp!" I opened my eyes and saw Jimin on the floor tugging on my pants. "What's wrong baby?" "Thweres peopwle at the dwoor!" I shot put of my chair and ran to the door. I opened it and saw 20 people waiting out side. "Oh Mr.Jeon! There you are we are here for the meeting!" I nodded and let them in. They sat down at the table I have for meetings. Jimin was playing with his toys. I looked over at him every 5 seconds. "Um Mr.Jeon is there a problem?" I excused myself and got Jimin. He grabbed a plushie before I picked him up. I brought him to the table and sat back down. I felt more better knowing he was safe in my arms. I rubbed his back and a few second later I felt something wet on my neck. I figured what he was doing. It didn't turn me on like every other time since I knew this helps him relax. "Daddwy is Jiminie weird?" I shook my head. He continued to suck until I felt him stop. I continued talking until Jimin started whining. "What's wrong baby?" He pulled my shirt and looked at me. I forgot to take my pill but they were in my pocket. I grabbed them and took them. My poor baby was thirsty and whining. In the room was 8 girls and 12 men. Some of the girls always find a way to try and flirt with me. They looked mad when I brought my baby to the table. After waiting it was time for him to drink my milk. I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled him to my chest. He started drinking and I continued to talk. A few seconds later 6 of the girls got up and walked out of the room angrily. Everyone looked at them as they left the room. I continued the meeting and after a long and boring hour and a half the meeting was finally over. I saw my baby fell asleep so I placed him in his bed. I went to my desk and a couple minutes later the 6 girls walked in my office. This time the were wearing showy clothing.

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