Episode 59

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(Hah the angst is comin' in hot for yall's asses >:>)

"Asa Misaki" the board read. I did it. I got my provisional license. I'm a semi-pro. I almost couldn't contain my excitement as I watch Shoto and Izuku scan for their names.

"WHERE IS IT!?" I hear Bakugo scream. 

"Midoriya, Midoriya, Midoriya, Midoriya..." he mutters over and over scanning through the list. He gasps and stops scanning, his eyes on a select spot. It was relatively close to mine obviously. He looked like he might scream and I hug him. We did it All-Might. Thank you.

"We did it!!" I say and turn to Shoto who just smiles back at me sadly. My own fades.

"I'm up there! Just call me a hero!"

"I did it."

"There I am!"

"I'm on the board!" Ochaco exclaims and wraps her arms around me. 

"I'm proud of you Ochaan," I say hugging her back. She starts to float us both out of her own excitement. "Ochaco!" I exclaim and maneuver through the air. I spot Yoarashi looking for his name. It seems he'd been defeated. Shoto looked somewhat grim as he looked in between the spot on the board where his name should be. Ochaco helps us both down and I get back to Shoto. I take his hand and give him a small smile.

"I'll treat you to soba later," I mutter to him. Izuku looked over at him in surprise but sadness when I'd gotten back. Ochaco realized and went away to let us be.

"Todoroki!" Yoarashi booms and I flinch, my hairs on end once again as he approaches us. He stands in front of us both for a moment as I look at him severely. He then slams his head against the ground in a bow. He was scary when he did that and I flinch again. Shoto looks as scared by his approach of bowing as I feel. "I'm sorry! To both of you. It's my fault that you didn't pass the licensing exam and that you were at the risk of failing as well, Misaki! My focus as you warned was too narrow-minded. Forgive me!" he says. I look at Shoto then back at Yoarashi. He tilts his head and I walk up to Yoarashi and give him a small soft chop to the head. 

"You're right. I warned you but you didn't heed me. I advise you to listen better in the future." I tell him as he stands up and looks down at me. He was kind this time. I tilt my head a little at Shoto and look at him, beginning to return to his side. 

"You're fine. I was the one who got us off to a bad start. I also owe you an apology, A. I didn't listen very well either." he says. I nod and chop his head gently, in the same way, I did to Yoarashi. 

"Now we're even. I'll still treat you to soba though." I grin at him.

"B-but still!-" Yoarashi protests.

"And thanks to the things you said to me, I have a lot to think about," he says to him.

"Holy crap! Did he really fail?" 

"How did two of our top classmates not pass the exam?"

"Shoulda been more careful what you said Bakugo. Words are important you know." Kaminari says.

"Shut your mouth before I murder you!" Bakugo growls back, terrifying Kaminari to the core. I roll my eyes and someone grabs Shoto's shoulder from behind and we turn, letting them between us for the moment.

"Looks like our class hierarchy is collapsing. It's only a matter of time, Misaki." Mineta says into my ear. I grab the back of his shirt and fling him onto the ground.

"How many times do I have to kick your ass for you to realize that you need to stop. Touching. Me." I brush off my shoulder then my skirt and Shoto rolls his eyes at Mineta, returning his eyes to Yoarashi who still bowed apologetically.

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