c h a p t e r 21- 4am stars

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Our walk through the airport was, in one word, eventful. Firstly, I had to deal with Lyra squealing and tugging on my arm every time she saw a cute guy- which was basically every 5 seconds because, honestly, airport boys really do hit different- and to second that, I then had to cope with the glares that my brothers gave out to any of the boys who would reciprocate our looking- much to Lyra's disappointment. Of course, just as we were about to get to the landing strip, Jordan suddenly had to urge to get some sweets for his 'fragile ears' that would apparently explode if he didn't have them for the take off- not sure it works like that but okay. This then led to a whole shopping escapade- Lyra wanted iced coffee, Jared went to Gucci (who the fuck goes to Gucci at a airport) and Dylan found some girl to hook up that he found in some random Starbucks- that boy either needs to get a girlfriend or some therapy.

Finally, about 3 hours past our schedule, we managed to get aboard our private jet. Obviously, my brothers and Cole were pretty used to it because they got on straight away, Dylan and Jordan already bickering over who got what seat. Me and Lyra, however, stood there in amazement. I mean, I remembered it from last time but it was still just as shocking to see- I think I sometimes forgot just how rich my brothers were. Lyra was practically buzzing, her excitement literally visible as she gazed around, her eyes shining more and more as they took in the leather recliners with TVs and the mini bar.

'Fuckkk, this is nice,' Lyra whistled under her breathe, looking at me with wide eyes. I chuckled, grabbing her hand to pull her to a group of four seats- two on each side and facing each other.

'I know right.'


My eyes fluttered awake, squinting as I looked down at my phone. It read 4am, meaning that we had been on the plane for about 2 hours and so had 6 left. I sighed, looking across to see Cole in the seat next to me (asleep thank god) and Lyra and Jordan in a similar state, Lyra's head resting on Jordan's shoulder as they both slept. I smirked- there was definitely some match making to be done there. Getting up a silently as I could, I creeped down the aisle, peeping around to see Dylan, Jared and Aaron all sound asleep, Wyatt no where to be seen. Frowning, I took one more look around walking back to my seat, annoyed that no-one was awake to talk to me.

Sitting down, I rested my head on my knees, turning so that I was facing Cole. In this light, with his face lit up by the moonlight, I couldn't help but stare. Just looking at him, I once again felt my stomach fill with butterflies, my eyes softening as I took in his features. A lock of his hair fell down into his face and I hesitated a moment, before reaching over to brush it away. My hand lingered on his face, my thumb brushing his cheek as I kept my gaze on him.

'It's kind of weird to just stare at people.'

I yelped in surprise as Cole opened his mouth, his eyes snapping open. Shit. In an instant, I ripped my hand away from his face, my face burning bright red.

'I wasn't- I wasn't staring! You had something on your face, that's all.'

'Sure, sure,' he said, laughing under his breathe. I glared at him, pressing my hands on my face in an effort to cool them down. He stopped laughing, still smiling at me from his seat, 'What were you doing creeping around anyway?'

I gasped, my eyes narrowing accusingly, 'You were awake this whole time?'

He smirked, 'Yep,'

I blushed again- fuck, this meant he knew I'd been staring at him this whole time. Shrinking lower in my seat, I closed my eyes, attempting to fall back asleep. After an uncomfortable minute of feeling the pressure of Cole's eyes just staring at my head, I opened mine again.

'Well now who's staring?' I laughed, pushing myself back into a sitting position as I looked at Cole who continued to look back at me. I rolled my eyes, smiling as he raised his eyes in challenge at me. Fine, if he wanted to compete with me, he could.

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