Chapter 54 - Hayden

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I've been worried sick.

Mila texted me earlier today when they were on their way back from the prison, but by now it's ten in the evening, and I haven't heard a thing. It seemed like I got through to her when we talked over the phone this morning. It felt like she realized she needed help. But instead, she's been ghosting me half the day.

My phone rings, and I almost drop it with how hastily I slide the goddamn screen. "Where is she?" I ask when I see Jasmine's name light up.

"She's with me. She just needed to clear her head."

"Is she coming home soon? Is she okay?" Those are the only two things that matter, honestly.

"Yeah, she's okay, really. She just went to the bathroom, and then I'm driving her home. We should be there in half an hour or so."


"Hayden?" Jasmine sounds concerned when she addresses me, and that immediately worries me too.


"Don't push her tonight, please. She's been alone for a big part of her life. She's used to dealing with things on her own terms. As much as she loves you...she has to adjust sometimes, you know?"

Her words scare me; I wonder what on earth happened today. "I know, yeah. I'll give her some space."

"Okay, good. Here she comes. See you later!"

"See you. Oh, and Jas?"


"Thank you. I mean it." I really do. I don't know what I would've done today without her.

"Anytime, Cross."

And with that, she hangs up, leaving me confused and a little scared as I sit back down on the couch, waiting for Mila to come home.

As promised, it's only about half an hour later when I hear the keys turn in our lock, and soon Mila steps inside, avoiding my gaze when she takes off her jacket and throws it on the coat rack. She quickly slips into the bedroom, not even once looking at me, which I find extremely weird and unsettling. She almost acts like we had a fight, only the last time we spoke, things were fine.

I join her in the bedroom a few minutes later, not surprised to see she already settled in our bed.

"Mila..." I whisper, but she doesn't say a word when I slip beneath the covers with her, not really knowing if she wants me to be close to her or not.

It's weird. We've never been this way. I always knew what she wanted, or she always just took it, asked for it. This feels so...strange and foreign.

"Can you...can you just hold me?" she asks.

And as much as it hurts to hear the strain in her voice, I can't deny I'm fucking glad she at least asks for what she needs from me. "Of course." I wrap my arms around her from behind, her hands intertwining with mine as she squeezes me tightly and scoots back, almost like she's trying to feel as much as possible of me.

"I'm sorry if I worried you today." She whispers the words, but I hear them loud and clear.

"It's okay. You're here now—that's all that matters. Get some rest, love."

She takes another deep breath, her lips meeting our intertwined hands. "I love you so much, Hayden. I hope you know that." Her brittle voice makes me want to look at her properly, and I try to move so I can prop myself up on top of her, but she pulls me even closer, almost like she's afraid to let go.

"Of course I do, baby." I stop my movement to embrace her, trying to make her feel my words. "You're the love of my life. I have no doubt about that."

Just as I'm about to press a kiss on her temple, she turns her head, and as always, our lips connect in a split second. She deepens the kiss, her entire body softening under my touch as we share this slow but passionate kiss, a kiss that's about more than just attraction. It's a kiss that reminds me of how lucky I am to have her in my arms, and if I have to let her do her own thing for a while to ensure she ultimately stays right by my side, I'll do just that.

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