Sad Draco

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Harry PoV

I woke up with Draco still on my lap. The sun was in my eyes and the birds were singing. I guessed it was around 10. I layed there and waited for Draco to wake up (Which he did about ten minutes later) and we got up and went to get a late breakfast. 

There were only about 20 kids in the great hall. No one was at the slytherin table. 

"Can I sit with you today?" Draco asked. Those were the first words he had said all morning.  I bet he's just hungry.

"Ya of course." We sat down and started helping ourselves to food. "So. You like toast." I said. Draco had piled four pieces of toast onto his plate. "Yep. You can't be saying anything though person who has like 8 pieces of bacon on their plate." "Ya I guess not." 

"What are we gonna do today?" I said after a while. "We can go down to the quidditch pitch and fly around for a bit?" "Sure. I'm gonna get dressed first though." "Ok." 

We finished eating and stood up to leave. "Have fun changing." Draco said with a wink. "Yeah you too." I rolled my eyes.

I got dressed, grabbed my broom, and went and told Hermione and Ron where I was going. But not with who. Who knows what they would say.

I got down to the quidditch pitch. Malfoy wasn't there yet, so I got on my broom and started flying. 

"Harry!" I heard someone shout below. I went down to find Draco waving his arms. 

"Hey. What took you so long?" I said jokingly. "I was talking to Blaise. He wouldn't let me leave." 

We flew around for a while and chased a snitch around which I caught first. Then we went in for a late lunch. 

Once again no one was there so we sat at the same table. 

"You know, I have no idea why in the world we were enemies before this. I mean, look how well were getting along right now!" I said. "Ya. Good question." We sat in uncomfortable silence for a while. Something was wrong with Draco. 

"Hey Draco?" "Ya?" "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." "If it bothers you this much it's something Draco." "I don't feel comfortable talking about it." "Ok. Tell me when you're ready. I'm gonna go take a shower." "Ok."

The rest of the day I did homework and thought about what could be wrong with Draco. Twice I caught myself writing Draco's name instead of my potions essay. 

After I was mostly caught up with my homework, my phone buzzed. 

Start of Text

Parkinson: What did u do to get Draco so down in the dumps? This be Parkinson btw Potter

Idk It was me? He wouldn't tell me. Could u ask him? How did u even get my # :Harry

Parkinson: He told me that He thinks you guys will never be more than friends.

That's not true. I didn't tell him otherwise though. Crap. :Harry


Fine but only if you help me do it in a super awesome way. :Harry


End of Text

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