F i f t e e n : Slumber Party

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I know, I know, I'm useless:( Sorry for the slow update, I got a bit demotivated after last chapter because people seemed to enjoy it less. I hope this chapter makes up for it!

F i f t e e n : Slumber Party

"Pass me the popcorn."

"Miko," I warn, placing a protective hand over the bowl. "You can't eat it all before they actually arrive. One more piece and I'll send you out to buy more."

"Erika," Miko says, crossing her arms and imitating my nagging tone. "I saw you stuffing your face earlier, on my way back from the restroom. It's not all me."

I glare challengingly at my best friend from the opposite side of the kitchen island.

Between us, splayed across the smooth granite surface, is a large assembly of junk food, films and face masks. Miko suggested nail varnish too but I quickly decided against that. Dad hates the smell. To keep my parents happy and upstairs, out of our way, avoiding harsh odours is necessary. The junk food has been nibbled on, and I haven't told Miko about the other packet of popcorn hidden away in the cupboard. If she knew about it, she'd have no problem finishing the rest of the current bowl.

"No more food," I order, my tone stern. "For either of us. Okay?"

"Fun sponge." She sticks her tongue out at me and stalks out of the kitchen.

"Careful, Miko," I call after her, "You're becoming saltier than the popcorn!"

Riley and Violet are both due to arrive soon for a slumber party. I thought it was about time to organise a gal gathering, and nothing says bonding like practicing skincare while simultaneously demolishing the rest of your organs with junk food. I grab a final piece of popcorn before I follow Miko to the living room.

The last one. Definitely.

Miko is standing by the large bay windows staring out into our driveway. She turns around to face me, scowling and pulling down her pyjama shorts to cover more of her pale legs.

"I forgot to shave," she grumbles. "Do you think they'll notice?"

I squint. "On a scale of small household cactus to King Kong, exactly how hairy are they?"

"Hm," she mutters, peering down and stroking a tentative hand over her knee. "I'd say we're at the fluffy woodland creature level. It's been a while."

"If they notice, just tell them you're insulating for the cold weather."

"Yes," she nods, straightening up. Her Donald Duck pyjamas rise around her legs again. Now that I'm focusing, I can see the tell-tale downy strokes of hair on her skin. "This is why I keep you around."

I snort and collapse onto the couch. "Don't lie, you keep me around because my bedroom has good lighting for your Instagram selfies."

"Don't underestimate yourself! You also help me decide which picture to post."

"Not that you ever listen."

"Yes, but your opinion helps me to realise why I disagree with you."

I roll my eyes but there's a smile on my face. Miko's Instagram profile is one of those flawlessly colour graded, cohesive mood boards that all the social influencers have. She must know that she doesn't really need my help. I think she just wants me to feel included, because my own profile is a shabby mixture of group pictures and bad-quality concert videos.

Just as I'm about to retort, a movement catches my eye. A small black car is pulling onto the gravel driveway in front of my house, just behind the shrubbery. Violet and Riley have arrived. I watch them climb out of the passenger seats and I feel a tingle of anticipation in my stomach. It feels strange to be hanging around Chase's friends without him.

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