Chapter 29 [M]

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5th Day

Next morning Jennie woke up with a smile plastered on her face as she saw her happiness sleeping beside her, she peck the tip of Lisa's nose then slowly get up to do her morning routines.

After Jennie did her rituals she headed down then head to the kitchen seeing Jisoo and Rosé having breakfast she smile then approach the two.

"Morning!" Jennie greeted as she grabbed a mug then turn on the coffee maker.

"Morning Jenduek/Unnie" Jisoo and Rosé greeted back in unison.

" We didn't wait for the both of you because we have to head back home to change" Jisoo explain as she finished her cup of coffee. Rosé nodded then munch her pancake that they cook.

"Nah that's okay" Jennie said as she fill her mug with coffee then sat across Jisoo.

"Alright we're done.. we'll be going now" Jisoo said then stood up.

"See you later at the University unnie" Rosé said then put her plate on the sink. Jennie sip on her coffee.

" Alright, take care on your way home" Jennie said then wave her hand to them. Jisoo and Rosé leave while Jennie continue sipping on her coffee while thinking of how she'll when Lisa leave. She still have 3 days and 2 nights alone with her before their graduation and after that they'll finally leave that sends a daggers on Jennie's heart.


Jennie fish out her phone on her pocket then look at the caller's ID, 'Future-Mom-In-Law calling...' i smiled before i answered.

"Hello Mom Good morning" Jennie greeted happily. She heard a chuckle in the other line.

"Hi sweetie good morning to you too, it seems like you're in a good mood huh" Lisa's mom asked teasingly which made Jennie chuckled.

" Of course mom, Lisa's with me that's why" Jennie truthfully replied then take a sip on her hot coffee.

"Oh i see... Btw are you both free later after school?"

"Yeah... We're both actually planning to just stay at home"

"Alright i just wanted to invite the both of you for shopping you know your graduation is coming"

" Ah yeah.. sure mom Lisa and I will come after classes"

"Alright I'll cook lunch for us then, see you later"

" Okiee bye mom" Jennie bid her good bye so as Lisa's mom before she hang up. Jennie smile then took a sip agaon then she heard light footsteps coming on the kitchen that she thought it was Lisa.

"Oppaaa Good morning" Lisa greeted as she approach Jennie who's smiling while looking at her.

"Good morning to you too my baby" Jennie said then spread her arms for a hug which Lisa understand then sat on Jennie's lap while hugging her nape.

"I miss youuu" Lisa mumbled on Jennie's neck that made Jennie hitched. Jennie placed both of her hands on Lisa's ass cheeks.

"I miss you more baby... Go eat the Chocolate pancakes that Jisoo unnie and chaeng cook for you" Jennie said then lightly squeeze Lisa's butt. Lisa nodded innocently then stood up to fix her sit, she turn around then sat again on Jennie's lap which make Jennie grin.

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