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I stayed in my room until Ashton called me. I could not go out and face Luke. Especially without Kylie here.

"Hey girly, where's your place at?" He said joyously after I mumbled a hello.

"You're here already?" I asked in surprise.

"Yea. That's the plus side of having a private jet."

I giggled.

"Maybe I should get one."

"Hey, if you can afford it do it. Our record company paid for ours." He paused. "Are you okay with us coming to your house? You can always kick Luke out and have him meet us somewhere."

"It'll be fine." Then I gave them my address and he said they'd be over shortly.

I sighed as I sat my phone down.

I better go tell Lucas.

As I changed into clothes I thought about everything he told me last night.

How am I supposed to feel?

Did he change?

I mean, maybe he changed how he handled the situation. His attitude could still be the same.

I feel like I shouldn't have let him stay here. I had to though, I couldn't just let him sleep on the streets.

Am I mad enough?

I shook my head.

I'm giving myself a headache.

After I was wearing clothes I placed my hand on the door knob. I did not want to face Luke. I didn't want to see him.

I took a deep breath and turned the knob.

As I walked down the hallway I noticed the couch was empty.

My eyes widened as I stepped into the living room to see that he wasn't there.

Great. He ran off.

"Fuck." I mumbled as I pulled my phone out getting ready to call Ashton.


I jumped about ten feet in the air when I heard his voice.

He peeked his head around the corner of the doorway to the kitchen.

"How did you sleep?"

I shrugged.

"Okay I guess." I paused. "What are you doing?"

I stepped into the kitchen. It was so clean it could've sparkled.

"Since I was such a pain in the ass last night, which Kylie kindly filled me in on because I washed my memory out with my slip up, I decided that I would make you breakfast and clean your kitchen. The living room too."

I glanced back at the living room to see that everything was a little neater.

I glanced back to him with a skeptical look.

"You good, Hemmings?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He laughed a genuine deep laugh. A smile covering his face.

"Did they give you a lobotomy in rehab?"

He sat down at the table in front of a plate.

"I fucking wish they had. Come on, I made you something special."

I carefully walked over to the table to see a plate with an egg and some bacon on it. I sat and looked up at him.

"Thanks Luke."

Room Service |:| Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now