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Y/N's POV:

After we've all done eating, I felt sleepy so I go to the bathroom to change into pajamas. I went first to my closet, choose an old jogging and as I grabbed it, something fell off the closet right after. It was a black sweatshirt but I did recognize him...It was Jaehyun's...And it still have his scent on it. Even if it hurted me at first, I decided to wear it anyway. As soon as I put it on, I felt this warm feeling, like he was there, hugging me.  I smiled when I think of it until Mingyu entered the bathroom.
"Hey !...Hum...Unless you've lost a lot of weight, I'm pretty sure this sweatshirt is way too big for you", he said, laughing at me who was struggling with the sleeves who were of course way too long for my arms.
- Hey! It's not my fault if it's a men-size sweatshirt, I pouted.
- I'm joking !! By the way, I think Jaehyun has the same...
I looked at him and said nothing until he found.
- ...It's his isn't it ?
- ...yeah...
- ...Y/N, can I ask you something ?
- Sure ! What is it ?
- Were Jaehyun and a couple ?
- Wh-What ?, I said, almost chocking with my own saliva and hardly blushing, looking like a tomato.
- Were you ?, he kept asking.
- I wish we were...
- ...But something was happening between you two, right ?
- Huh...How am I supposed to know that ?!
- Think about it : You were always together, you kept talking together for like hours, he kept talking about you when we hanged out, he gave you his sweatshirt-
- And he was always here when I didn't felt well, and didn't hesitate to cuddle me, so I could fell asleep easier...
- ...don't you think that some kind of chemistry was happening between you two ?
- you think that maybe...Jaehyun...
- ...
- ...Y/N...You're red like a're okay ?
- ...Y-Yeah...I-I'll go sleep now...Good night...
I leave the bathroom and went directly to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed, grab my closest plushie and squeezed it hardly against my chest. I felt like my heart was about to explode and I can fell my cheeks burning up as I kept thinking about what Mingyu told me...
"...Jaehyun...loves me too??"

The next day:

Eunwoo, Mingyu and I went to the commissariat and explain everything to the police officers. Luckily, they said that they can help me to find the criminal by searching trough some codes ans files that only hackers or experts in informatic can have access to. I was a bit relieved because maybe, we'll find who tried to ruin my life.
While we were going back to my apartment, Mingyu asked:
" Oh, Y/N, I have a question ? "
I felt a bit anxious...Is it gonna be about Jaehyun and me again ?...
"...yes ?"
- Hum...Can we invite some friends to your house ?
- Huh...yeah ?
- Are you sure ? It seems to bother you a bit...
- No, don't worry !! While you're with your friends, I'll be walking a bit outside, it's been a while since I've done a night walk.
- Alone ? Isn't it a bit dangerous now ?, Eunwoo asked.
- I don't think so...Well, if something's happening to me, I'll call you, don't worry ! , I said smiling at him. By the way, Mingyu, who are you going to invite ?
- ...I don't know...
- ...why don't you invite Jaehyun ? It's been a while since you've seen each other...
- Well not for me...
- Ugh...I know that Eunwoo!...but maybe he will be happy to chill with you two...
- Are you sure ?
- Yeah ! I'm not going to be here, so it's okay !
- Okay...I'll call him to see if he wants...

When we walked into my apartment, we all sat down the couch, and Mingyu called Jaehyun.
" Should I put on the loud-speaker?", he asked me.
- you want, I answered.
While the phone was ringing, Eunwoo whispered to me:
" Are you sure it doesn't bother you to let Jaehyun come here ? I mean -
- No. I'm sure you guys will be able to make think about something else...I don't want him to be like this...
- ...You're still caring about him don't you ?, he said smirking.
- Shut up, I said while punching his arm.
Suddenly we heard a voice answering the voice...It was him...
"...hello?...", he said, in a weak tone, making me worry about him but at the same time, that made me smile a bit because I missed his voice...
- Hi Jae ! It's Mingyu, how are you doing?
- Oh...I'm fine...
- liar, I thought.
- ...are you sure ? You seem tired...
- Oh yeah...It's because I...didn't sleep well last night...
- ...oh okay...hum I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with Eunwoo and me tonight, you know, like ordering some pizzas and chilling together ?
- Huh...yeah...why not...But where would it be ?
- hum...well it would be at...Y/N's apartment...
- ...oh...But what about her ? Is she okay with it ?
- Yeah ! She's not gonna be here tonight so-
- But aren't you supposed to stand by her sides ?
- Don't worry !! She's a big girl !! She can defend herself and she told us she would call us if she was in real danger...
- Well...if she's okay with...Then I'm in
- Good ! Well, see you at 8 PM, okay?
- Okay...bye...
- Bye !!

When Mingyu hanged up, I could feel a glance down on me, I looked up and saw Mingyu, staring at me, a smirk on his face.
"...What ?" , I said.
- Ooooh, looks like someone's blush-
-I didn't let him finish by punching his arm.
- Ouch !! It hurts !!
- I know ! That's the point of it !
- *gasp* You're cruel Y/N !!
- Thanks !, I said with a devilish smile.
- Anyway, kids, what do you want to do now ?, Eunwoo asked.
- ...Kids ?, Mingyu and I said at the same time.
- Yes, that's what I said, you two are acting like kids.
- Well...He's not wrong !, Mingyu said as he started to tickle Eunwoo by surprise.
- Yah !! DON'T DO THAT !! WE CAN COOPERATE !!, Eunwoo yelled.
- ...cooperate ?, I said confused, but I wasn't anymore when I saw two demons looking at me with a wide smile. "D-Don't even think about it !!", I yelled as I rushed over my bedroom, followed by the clowns who are supposed to be more "adults" than me.

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