Chapter 9: Drunk

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Gulf's phone rang as he made his way back home. He had texted Mew asking when he would be coming over tonight.

So he was surprised to see Mew calling him when he'd expected a simple text.

"Hey, Gulf. I just wanted to call and let you know I won't be coming over today."

" Ok."

"I'm sorry for letting you know at the last second, it totally slipped my mind."

"Mmm.." Gulf mumbled.

" You're not mad at me, are you?"


Mew chuckled, " That doesn't sound too convincing."

"Well-" Gulf tried to answer before getting cut off.

"Mew! Come on, lets go." Gulf heard someone say to Mew.

" I'm coming, just a second Art." Mew said to Art before going back to his phone. "Gulf I have to go."

"But-" and just like that the line got cut off, and Gulf couldn't help but feel thrown away.


Why was he feeling like that? Their whole relationship was for their mutual benefit, so why was Gulf feeling this way?

Lost in thought Gulf walked back home, oblivious to the rain coming down hard, drenching him. He sneezed, realizing he had just walked past his house. He turned, planning on making his way back.

His phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his soaking pants, finally realising the state he was in and taking cover under a tree.


"Hey, poom."

"Do you have work or are you free tonight?"

Gulf rubbed his arms, technically he was free but for some reason he didn't feel like going anywhere. " Yeah....I'm free."

"That's awesome! There actually a campus party happening tonight, and I wanna go....will you take Poom?" She pleaded with Gulf in a pouty tone.

Gulf couldn't say no to that. " Yeah, sure."

"Come pick me up in 15 mins."


Gulf ran back home, taking a warm shower and changing into some dry clothes. "Mom , I'm gonna borrow the Audi."

"Gulf! What about Mew? Is he not coming over tonight?"

"No, he has other plans tonight."

" I see. Where are you going out to then?"

" I umm....I'm going out with Bright."

" You never go out with him, unless it's for practice." His mom pointed out, and Gulf began to panic.

" Umm...will actually he invited me over to a team dinner."

" Ok, then." Said Gulf's mom doubtfully. " Be careful, and don't stay out too late."

Gulf breathed a sigh of relief, bending down and placing a kiss on his mother's cheek. " I will."


Gulf was a light weight, he couldn't drink at all. So when Poom kept urging shot after shot on him, he couldn't help getting absolutely hammered.

Gulf tried supporting his head, but he kept nodding off and slipping. He could hear Poom's voice as she chuckled looking at him. " You should've said you were such a light weight, let's leave."

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