32. Two Shots

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"So you finally woke up huh?" A female voice mocked from in front of you. Lia kneeled down so her face was directly in front of yours before she pulled the tape off your mouth and you didn't even hold back. "LIA YOU FUCKING BITCH! LET ME GO, WHAT IS YOUR DAMN PROBLEM!!!" She slapped you, the sound echoing around the room.

"If you shut up, I'll tell you what my problem is." She snapped before shuffling back to sit on a chair in front of you. "I am aware that my ex boyfriend, Namjoon, visited you the night we broke up. Is that correct?" She asked. You nodded, eyebrows furrowing as to why she was bringing this up. "Did he tell you why we broke up?" You shook your head, keeping your mouth shut in fear she would do something to you if you spoke. "When I first met you Y/N, you seemed to be very close with my boyfriend. He talked about you a lot when we were together, he often spent time with you at your dorm. So I asked you to do cuckolding with him so I could see if my assumptions were correct."
"What assumptions?" You asked. "That he loved you Y/N! Kim Namjoon, MY BOYFRIEND! Fell in love with you. A scrawny little slut who sleeps with teachers to get good grades and sets fire to schools to get attention!" Lia shouted making you gasp. "How did you-"
"Find out about yours and Mr Kim's extracurricular activities?" She finished your sentence. "It's obvious Y/N, and now I'm going to ruin your fucking life," Lia growled possessively.

"Lia don't do this, let me go please," you pleaded, tugging at the ropes that held you to the chair. "No, you ruined my life. You stole my boyfriend, and you took my place as top of the class." She purred, "and now you're going to suffer." You sent her a glare, looking around the room for anything to defend yourself with. "You see, before you woke up, I sent a picture of you, covered in blood and tied up, to Namjoon. He's going to be here any minute now, and he's going to watch you fucking die Y/N," Lia laughed psychotically as she pulled a gun out of her back pocket, pointing it at you. "Namjoon won't come," you laughed, "he hates me."

At that exact moment, Namjoon burst through the door, running towards you, panic written all over his face. You thought this would be the end, that he would untie you and the two of you would run away from the crazy girl that held you captive. You prayed that everything would work out fine and be okay.

But life doesn't work like that.

Because the second that Namjoon reached for your hand, one loud gunshot was heard.

The sound vibrated through the building, making the glass windows shake. You waited for the deep vibrations of the gunshot to hit your body, but you felt nothing. Everything seemed blurry for a second as you tried to comprehend what was happening. The gun, which was previously pointed at you, was now pointed at Namjoon. The boy, who had sacrificed everything and run to save you, was now laid on the floor, blood seeping out of the left side of his torso, soaking into his white shirt. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, you wanted to untie the ropes which bound you to that chair. But all you could do was watch, in shock and horror. Watch as the boy's head fell to the floor, eyes rolling into the back of his head.

You tried to scream, you tried to cry, you tried to untie the ropes which bound you to that chair. You thrashed around, desperately trying to reach out for Namjoon, to hold him, to comfort him, to stop the bleeding, but it was useless. You saw the colour drain from Namjoon's cheeks, his breathing began to slow down, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. And you just wished you had the chance to tell him that you really did love him.

It had taken you so long to realise it. That you loved Namjoon. You loved him so much. He sacrificed his life for you, because he loved you too. But it was too late, too late to tell him you loved him. He was gone.

You looked up through tear filled eyes, staring at Lia who had a sadistic smirk plastered to her lips. "HOW COULD YOU!" You screamed, desperately trying to break free as she moved the barrel of the gun to face you. You panicked, looking down at Namjoon's lifeless body as you prepared yourself, getting ready for the pain of the bullet that was about to shoot into your head.

You closed your eyes.

The bang of the gun was heard.

But the pain never came.

Because when you opened your eyes, Lia lay on the floor, a pool of blood beginning to form around her head. Your eyes flickered to the doorway where a familiar boy stood. He had a gun gripped in his hands as his eyes looked around the scene that was displayed in front of him.

"Yoongi, Yoongi please help... Namjoon," you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. Yoongi ran over to you, dropping the gun and pulling out a knife as he cut the ropes. The second you were free, you kneeled down by Namjoon's side, holding his face in your hands. "Joon, hey, baby stay with me!" You sobbed, applying pressure to his wound as your tears fell onto his soft skin. "We need to get him to hospital, fast," Yoongi stated, picking up Namjoon's limp body with ease. Even though there was a large size difference between the two men.

The two of you rushed down the stairs of the building and climbed into Yoongi's car which was parked just outside. You sat on the back seat with Namjoon's body laid there with you, his head resting on your lap. "Quickly Yoongi!" You shouted, and the car sputtered to life and pulled out of the car park, breaking the speed limit to make it to the hospital, before it was too late.

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