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"Is this necessary?"

"Absolutely." Kai nodded, putting a birthday hat on the boy as the time was nearing midnight.

The pair had rented a hotel for the night in the state of Montana, wanting to get some decent rest before they did anything else on their trip, also desperately wanting to celebrate the boys birthday.

So, before renting a hotel room, the pair went to the store and Kai had bought the boy a cake, leaving out the idea of a candle because Corbyn knew that hotels were not too fond of the idea of a fire, no matter how big, starting in one of their rooms.

"Ok," Kai said, taking the cake out of the box as the boy looked in the mirror at the hat she put on his head.

"Kai." Corbyn looked at her confused, "It says birthday bitch."

"Yeah, that's what you are." She said, giving him a small smile as he rolled his eyes, hearing her burst into laughter, "Sorry, sorry you just look so funny right now."

"Do you want first taste of that cake?" He asked, walking over to her and trying to push the cake she was holding into her face as the girl kept moving her face away.

"Corbyn! Corbyn stop you're going to get it everywhere." She told him, holding back her laughter whilst the boy had a grin on his face, eventually stopping as she glared at him, placing the cake down on the table before turning to face the boy and placing her hands on her hips.

Corbyn copied her actions, a smile still wide on his face as he glanced at the cake, "You're an idiot, by the way."

"Why?" She asked, looking at the cake then back at him, "You're not allergic to that flavour."

"No I mean, we have nothing to eat it on." Corbyn told her as her smile dropped, her face going a light shade of red as the boy beside her burst into laughter.

"Frick." She said, placing her hand on her mouth before looking at the boy who was sitting on the end of the bed, holding onto his stomach, "Why didn't you remind me to get paper plates or something?"

"Well I thought little miss planner had it covered," Corbyn shrugged, placing his hands beside him as she rolled her eyes, "We can save the cake, I'm really not bothered."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure." He nodded, watching the girl put the cake back into the box before he let out another small laugh, taking off the birthday hat.

"No put it back on," she told him, going over to the boy and taking the out of his hands before proceeding to put it back on him, "You're the birthday bitch."

"You're annoying." He said, shaking his head as Kai shrugged and smiled, looking over at the alarm clock for the time.

"Two minutes until your birthday, are you excited?" Kai asked, sitting down beside him as he shrugged, "You need to thank your fans after today, by the way."

"Yeah," he nodded, "It would be suspicious if I didn't."

"I'm sure it's already suspicious Corbyn." She laughed slightly, moving into the middle of the bed and crossing her legs, "I just think you should because they'd get worried if you didn't at least thank them."

"Yes I know," he nodded, moving to where she was and wrapping his arms around the girls waist, "I will but I've gotta wait until tomorrow night."

"I know I was just saying," Kai shrugged, "Anyway, happy birthday."

"It's not mid- It is midnight." He said, looking at her before smiling, "Thank you very much."

"You are so welcome, you're so lucky to be spending it with me," Kai raised her eyebrows as Corbyn laughed slightly before nodding, giving the girl a kiss.

As Corbyn then depended the kiss slightly, the girls fingers ran through the boys hair, and from there the night had many possible outcomes, which would for sure make the pair tired yet extremely happy the next morning.


i'm sure we all know where this went

anyway this chapter was so cute pls🥺

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