Chapter 9

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Author's note: The finale! Heeey! Ha. Well it's the final chapter for this story I think I might cry. I will miss you people with this fanfic and hopefully see you in my other ones! As always leave a review letting me know if you like or hate. All is accepted here in jeejee12 land! xD Love ya'll! You guys are awesome like Prussia from Hetalia!

Ch9-*Normal p.o.v.*

Getting back to normal was harder than what both Kyouya and Haruhi thought. Kyouya almost went pee sitting down while Haruhi almost went standing up. Of course both in embarrassment told no one about that. The host club missed a day when "Haruhi" went missing and was spent looking for her when "Kyouya" came with her right behind. Only this time it's actually Kyouya. Haruhi sweat dropped thinking of Tamaki's reaction that day.


"WAAAA Haruuuuuuuhiii~!" Tamaki cried while looking very scary as the make-up from the Pirates of the Caribbean theme he put up. While Haruhi as Kyouya looked for him the twins had to tie Tamaki to a chair and dressed him up as old octopus face. So imagine how scary it is when his face is near yours and the crying melting the make-up. Yah… poor Haruhi. Luckily the twins came to her rescue and snatched her away. Hikaru pressed his face near her right cheek.

"So where the heck were you?" he whispered still a bit peeved Kyouya found her first. 'Crap I don't know what I should say!' Haruhi was nervous. That's when Hunny-sempai intervened on her behalf.

"Ah! Haru-chan was studying and lost track of time. Ha ha." He giggled in his oh-so innocent way. Kaoru was confused as to why Hunny didn't say anything. 'Thank you Hunny-sempai. Wait did he know?!' Haruhi thought as she looked for a clue in Hunny's face, but he gave nothing and continued to eat his cake with Usa-chan his favorite bunny.

Tamaki said it out loud, "If you knew the whole time than why didn't you say anything Hunny-sempai?"

Hunny gulped his last slice down and smiled, "Nobody asked me." He just continued to smile brightly as Mori said, "I knew where she was too, he's not the only one." Kyouya smirked, 'Ahh. Mori-sempai always willing to go down along with Hunny-sempai.'

Tamaki all in all was still pouting, but calmed and sat in his throne chair. "Okay! Miss Fujioka since you missed host club activities today and worried everybody sick. You have been demoted to being the host clubs dog once more as punishment. You have to do the same old stuff you used to do plus hosting!"

Haruhi just stood there in wide open shock at that, "Now wait just a minute…!" She paused and looked at Kyouya for help and he just smiled his host club smile as if to say 'Sorry you're on your own.' She slumped in defeat, "Yes." Then an idea came to her and she started to cry. Tamaki looked up at Haruhi who was in tears and freaked.

"Ah! Haruhi what's wrong are you okay?" Tamaki got up to put his hands on her shoulders in comfort.

"I'm so sorry I missed the host club… I'm such a failure!" The tears pouring out of her brown eyes and Tamaki couldn't help, but feel bad at his punishing her just for studying after all she had to keep up her grades to stay here at Ouran Academy. "I know I missed it, but is the host club all you care about Tamaki-sempai? What if something really bad did happen to me? Do I have to be punished for it?" Laying it on thick to Tamaki and making him feel really guilty. The rest of the host club was in confusion as to why Haruhi was crying like that for it wasn't like her to be so depressed over a punishment.

Tamaki's own blue eyes started tearing up, "You don't have to deal with that silly punishment! I was just mad because I was so worried about you! Let me go get you some tea. You just sit here in the chair and relax." And Tamaki dashed to the kitchen which was somewhat odd to have next to a music room.

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