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"Juvia, we should discuss about this right here, right now..."

Lucy said quietly as she glances towards the water mage that was already crying, they were scared. Really scared to be honest, negative thoughts were flying around in their heads, afraid they will not be able to protect them both, what if they failed? What if they're loves one will really leave their side?

The feeling when you're still living in this world, but without Natsu and Gray in it that give the true colours in your life, they couldn't imagine what would it be.

"Lucy... Juvia is so afraid, Juvia is worried what will going to happen. What if it occurred not the same year like Juvia self said?" the bluenette asked, as her voice cracked.

"Juvia, I know we can do this! We have to protect them both no matter what!" Lucy replied.

"But the other Juvia said they died when protecting our children, that means were having another member in our family, which means our children must be in danger as well!" the blue haired mage burst out crying as she clutches her chest.

The celestial mage was still standing on her feet, looking at her friend in a sad tone, her body trembled in fear and she was trying to be strong as she could, although this was all so sudden and she was just getting together with the fire dragon slayer several days ago. But little did she know in the future she will be with Natsu together and their child, Lucy felt happy but at the same time feeling anxiety about the salamander's death in the future.

"Wait, after they were killed, then what happened to the both of us?" asked Lucy, serious.

Juvia look at her and blinks, she widens her eyes and afraid if the fact they were being on Agnor' side.

Lucy thought for a while and mutters, "Juvia, if we were being dragged by the dark magic because of Agnor... Then the kids..."

"No... They will be all alone without us, parents." Juvia continued, as she sniffled.

"Juvia whatever happens in the future I want you to stop me before I hurt the two," Lucy suddenly stated as she looks at the water mage.

"W-What are you talking about Lucy?"

"Future Juvia said that herself was helping the other me to killed them both, and were going to change it, but this time you are going to stop me."

"But Lucy!"

"What more choice do we have Juvia?! And if in the future my demon form along with Zodiac was unable to control, you should kill me instead!"

"Are you insane?! Juvia won't do that to you nor Zodiac, ever!"

"It's for the best so Agnor won't use me to take over what he wants, and everyone in the guild will be safe!"

The Awaken of The Demon Celestial Wizard - Natsu x LucyWhere stories live. Discover now