Chapter 39

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n Lee."

I looked up and a nurse was waiting for me to go inside the room. I followed her and I was met by the doctor who stitched me up the first time I opened my wound.

I think her name was Im Nayeon? I'm not sure.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Dr. Im. Take a seat on the bed so we can get started." She stood up and hand gestured on the bed. I nodded and did what I was told.

It's been a day and I still haven't heard from Mina. I asked everyone but nobody wanted to tell me, Someone knows but I don't know who.

If they keep acting like a child then I can play as well. I went alone on my check up and even had to force Chaeyoung to keep quiet about this. They wanted to come with whenever I go to the hospital, to make sure I'm fine and will listen to the doctors orders.

"Welcome back. I was sure you weren't going to." She started and I just chuckled. I couldn't blame her for assuming it. I was pretty mad and gave an attitude to everyone on the hospital.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour a few days ago. I just heard some bad news." I explained as she unwrapped the bandage on my arm and shoulder.

"It happens a lot in the hospital. Put your arm up for me." She said and I did without complaining. I hold in my groan when I felt a sharp pain hit my shoulder.

"Does that usually occur?" She asked, pointing out the pain I felt. She must have done this thousands of times to notice it.

"I don't move my arm much. But when I do, it feels like I'm cramping."

She nodded and jotted down notes while rotating my arm as well to stretch it. After a few more exams and tests, she asked me to pick up the small dumbbell by the table. It seemed pretty light by it's size but when I picked it up it was heavy.

It felt like my arm was being ripped apart when I did. I even let it go so suddenly.

"It looks light for its size huh?" The doctor said and I laughed nodding to her statement.

After discovering it's real weight, I already picked it up with no worries. I was just caught off guard, It happens.

"Okay that's it. I suggest you exercise more often especially in that hand. Or play table tennis." She sat back down behind her desk.

"I'm right handed." I said and she told me to get the use of using my left hand so that I can go back to normal.

She gave me a prescription for medicine if I ever feel in pain. I thanked her and bid my goodbyes, It was a short and well done check up.

"Uh Y/n."

I turned around waiting for why she called my name. "Since it was a school shooting that did this... I actually excelled in psychology course in college. Here is my card if you need someone to talk to."

I reached out to take it and thanked her. I stared at the smal piece of card in front of me as I walk down the halls of the large hospital.

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