Tacos and Fans

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Clara was leaning against Steve, messing with a tablet as Steve watched. She was trying to create something useful for Stark Industries, but she was completely and irately stuck. Usually if she was stuck, she would go down to where ever the hell the Winchesters or Deadpool were and do something to occupy her mind. She could not do that at this moment, because it would seem pretty awkward if she left Steve to go hang out with other men (I mean, she wasn't y'know kissing them or anything, but Steve was the longest relationship she has had, and Hell, she liked him and he liked her so she was going to keep this going).

"I have nothing in my brain. Stevie help me."She groaned and looked at him. He chuckled.

"I do not think Ii can help you here, Clara."He says and looks at the tablet, "Wow you are really stuck." She looks up at him and gave him the "No shit Sherlock" look.

"They should call you Captain Obvious instead of Captain America, Rogers."Clara says and stands up. She walked over to her kitchen, looking for something to eat. Alas, her fridge was not suitable for her appetite.

"You are very grumpy when you are stuck, aren't you?"He asks, getting up as well. He stretches and walks over to the youngest Stark, who was glaring at her lack of food. He looked over her shoulder, examining her food as well.

"So, what do you wa-"He is cut off by his-well I guess girlfriend (they haven't really talked about titles) grabbing his hand. Shes

"We are going out."She says and grabs her wallet, shoving it in her pocket as she pulls her hair in a baseball cap. Steve looked at her curiously.

"So we don't get mobbed by the-paparazzi."Se says and looks at him, but he is still confused, "Photographers that take pictures of famous people's normal lives. I have been around it my whole life...its annoying as Hell."

"Oh."That's all he says and he puts on a navy blue hat as Clara slips on a pair of sneakers. Steve stared at her, even in her most dressed down state, she was beautiful. Clara smirked as she noticing him starring.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer Rogers."She says and walks to the elevator. Steve follows her and she hits the button for the ground floor. She stares at the Capsicle.

"Hmm."Clara says and he stares back.

"What?"He asks and she tilts his head.

"What do you do in your free time, other than being with me and training."Clara says and leans against the side of the elevator.

"Well I used to draw before,"He motions to everything around them.

"Before you thawed out."She says in a monotone, her eyes fixated on a plane of glass. He saw that Clara's eyes were sort of glazed over and she was lost in thought. Her nails dug into her palm and she looks up.

"You alright?"He asks. She looks into his eyes.

"Yeah of course,"Clara says as the elevator doors open,"How do you feel about street food?"


"Is this your first taco, Cap?"Clara asks, sitting down at park bench. Steve sits next to her, looked at the soft taco in the paper boat. Clara takes a bite of her carne asada taco and Steve stares at his, not knowing what to do. She sighs.

"Look watch me, Steve."She says and he does, watching her as she eats the taco. He nods and then takes a bite of his taco. His eyes widen and he groans at the delicious taste of the taco.

"This is really good."He says with a smile. Clara chuckles, grinning as she leans against Steve, her eyes still covered by sunglasses. She decides to take of her sunglasses, leaving her hat on. They were sitting in Central Park and watching different people go by. A mother and her daughter walk by, the daughter clutching an action figure of Clara Stark. There was alot of these after the Battle of Manhattan. The girl stopped and looked at Clara and the Captain, her mouth dropped open. She actually recognized the two superheroes.

"Mommy,"She said pulling on her mother's hand. Clara grinned and waved at the young girl.

"What is it, Emma?"The woman asks, and turns. She sees Clara Stark and gasps.

"Oh my God."She says and her hand flies over her mouth. Clara chuckles, as does Steve.

"I like your action figure, Emma."The Stark says and the little girl hides behind her mother's legs. The mother chuckles and rubs the girl's head.

"You're Clara Stark. . .oh my. . .I'm sorry. She's a big fan of yours."The mother says, Clara smiles and stands up. She sits on the grass and motions to Emma to come here. The girl reluctantly moves towards Clara.

"Emma, you have a beautiful name. Its like a princess name."Steve says looking at the little girl. Emma shakes her head.

"I don't wanna be a princess, I wanna be a hero."Emma says and Clara grins.

"I like your style, Emma. If you want and your mama says I can, I'd to take a picture with you."Clara says and Emma nods, smiles softly.

"I'm fine with that. Here I'll take it."Emma's mother says and pulls out her phone. Emma stands next to Clara, who hugs the girl. They both grin as Emma's mom snaps the picture. Clara gives Emma a high before she and her mother leave. Clara returns to the bench and leans against Steve.

"You made that little girl really happy."Steve says, eating his taco. Clara smiles and slips her sunglasses back on.

"Its the least I can do. Anyway to continue our topic of hobbies, I think you should continue drawing.''Clara says and looks at the Captain. He puts his taco down and raises his eyebrow.

"Why?"He asks and she shrugs.

"Something to keep you happy, something you enjoy doing. That's what you need."She speaks and he shrugs.

"I suppose."

"So did you like your first taco?"


"She's infatuated with the one they call 'Captain America'."A woman says, looking at the back of his boss's chair. The boss chuckles.

"She used to feel the same for me, until I crushed her,"He scoffs,"But, I don't think Miss Stark would mind a visit from me."He says and turns around in the chair, "Now, do you think you can get to her? Cause her pain?"

The woman smirks her blood red lips, her hand on leather covered hip, "Oh I can make everyone she knows hurt."

The Captain and Stark's Sister (Avengers/Captain America Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now