Sisters are the Devil

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Hi! It's been too long. I've been slumped with school stuff since this will be my first year starting college and its in a pandemic which means I've been more depressed than usual, I've totally lost sight of this book but I'm holding on to it for dear life.

This was garbage. I literally wrote it in one episode of How to Get Away with Murder. Anyway, thanks for being here,I truly appreciate you💕💕

Colson wrote poems, fourteen liners that were amazing when you read them yourself but were even more magnificent when they flowed through his lips, coated by the deep, slightly therapeutic low hum of his voice.

The theme of his art ranged from topics as wide as rockets, alien existence, weed to sublunary topics such as love, sex and death.

It was one thing to be mesmerized when someone sung but it was another to be overly content with someone's natural speaking voice.

I'm afraid Colson had that effect on me.

"What'd you think?" The said boy sat across from me in the library, an easy grin making its regular appearance.

"I think you're absolutely brilliant. " We sat in a far corner of the mostly empty library building, leisurely skipping through Colsons journal and randomly selecting entries for him to read to me.

"Yeah?" His eyebrows rose and I didn't miss the way his cheeks reddened in appreciation.

"Yeah. You're so good with your words, how is this not already your job?"

"Honestly Nina, its beyond me. " He grinned widely, causing my poor heart to skip another beat. I rolled my eyes though, somewhat used to his faux self centerdeness.

It was nearing three and so I packed my bags preparing to head home since my parents insisted on family dinner on this Sunny Friday evening.

Cole offered to walk me home, not passing up the chance to loop his hand in the slight bend of my elbow as I pushed my scooter along. "Nina."

"Colson." My eyes snapped to his, so used to his presence but still feeling naked under his stare.

"Since we're basically best friends now. We talk on the phone all the time, we Facetime, hang out a whole lot, I wanted to take you up on the offer I made sometime ago." Cole smiled at me, momentarily running his fingers through his hair that had grown out over the weeks and which fell more loosely over his eyes.

"What offer?" I'd detached our hands to get a better view of his face and I couldn't help but tingle when he ran his fingers through my fro briefly, glancing at me before letting his eyes linger over my body for what had to be the millionth time today. Something I still couldn't get used to.

"I want to take you out."

"Are you asking me on a date?" As I taunted him, I watched the deep shade of red make a reappearance on his cheeks and I was somewhat proud I put it there.

"Only if you want me to." He had recovered now and his face was close enough to mine to feel me breathing heavily. "Something tells me you wouldn't be opposed to that."

"Something tells me that someone is a little bit full of themselves. "I took step forward despite myself, not missing his deep intake of breath that the boy took, surprising us both with my boldness today.

As we stood on the sidewalk about three minutes away from my house, his colonge swiftly wafted up my nostrils causing me to shudder at the wave of coldness that took over my whole body.

"And something tells me someone can be full of themselves and something else if they just let me. "


Were we flirting?

"Is that so?"

"So that is. So say yes."

I giggled at his words, not helping myself by refusing the urge to stuff my nose in his neck and sniff the beautiful boy merely two feet away from me.

"Are you trying to coerce me? "

"Ninnaa. " He ignored my question, whining my name that way because he probably knew I liked it. He knew it made me weak in the knees. "Say yes. I promise you won't regret it."

Colson filled what little space we had between us, smiling playfully at me and pleading with the eyes I loved so much.
"Okay but----"

Colson dragged me in a tight hug, his face falling into my neck atop a bundle of my hair before he briefly wounded his arms around my waist and briefly hoisted me up in the air. I shrieked at the sudden movement. "Cole!"

"I'm sorry, it's just I swore your answer would've been no."

"It could be based on where we're going. "

"You'll know. "

He abruptly pulled me into another hug, one I had time enough to reciprocate. His head sunk into the crook of my bare neck this time and I could feel the softness of the skin on his nose, not at all uncomfortable at the embrace.

"Nina you smell so good. "His head turned in my neck and I didn't miss the small groan he released before lifting his head off my shoulder.


The Willer household was usually chatty at dinner time, my stern mother making sure I was doing well on the piano and was never missing a chance to study and my sister was seeking a wealthy, black husband.

My father was more so concerned with our wellbeing. Like why have I always been so skinny and how Sherry needed to drink more water and eat her stringed beans.

Salomon and Femi Willer were always struggling to get along, with clashing personalities it was quite difficult to do which meant that occupied the latter half of dinner.

Sherry couldn't stop staring at me throughout it all though. She'd catch my every time I moved to text Cole back under the table.

"So Nina, " Sherry spoke through my parents pointless bickering, looking pointedly at me, " what have you been doing in your free time nowadays?"

My eyes squinted at her, unsure why she took a sudden interest in my life. Outside of verbally abusing me in piano lessons, Sherry and I sort of just coexisted since she mostly worked at the Nursing home most of the time.

"You know, the usual. Piano, library, eat , sleep, repeat." My parents were listening in now while Sherry looked at me smugly, as if she knew something I didn't .

"You know Nina, you need to get some friends. "My father's hand touched mine almost in remorse at my dead social life.

My mother nodded in agreement.

"I have friends!" While Sherry and my parents laughed I huffed, disappointed at the type of people that were chosen to be my family.

"Besides Yvonne who is how many hours away? " My mother truly had no regard for my feelings.

"She does have another friend. I think I've seen her around here with some boy, although I don't think that only friendship is what their relationship entails. "

My eyes widened as my parents ears perked up.

Sherry was about to cause hell to raise in this house.

Triple update tomorrow? 👌

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