Two Lost Souls

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The world is made of different colours they say,
Dark, He was dark.
A Pair of deep chocolate eyes,
That caressed me I had to look way.
His steps so steady,
Yet I had to chase him like a boomerang.

We were both lost in empty opportunities,
And the reckoning of Broken Expectations,
From the society.
Two lost souls,
That recognised each other with uncertainty,
And seduced each other with their fears.

His insecurities whispered a simple ''hi''
As he tried to cover a scar on his left cheek.
A scar so small,
But I bet the demons in his head,
Magnified it everyday.
Mine wrestled not to be hidden anymore.
And won
My heart bleeding with self doubt
I said , ''Hi you''
Flaunting my front misaligned teeth.

And we laughed,
Somehow our laugher was heard
In the busy streets,
People stopped and stared at us,
But we were not scared
It felt good to be heard.
To not be scared anymore.

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