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Namjoon POV
I leaned my head back tapping my pen on my desk.

"They're late." I sighed still waiting for the finalized papers I asked for to come in.

It's been 10 minutes and still no sign from them. There were still so many things I needed to do and this was not something I wanted to wait on. Anger started to boil inside and I toss my pen I was holding onto my desk.

As I sit back up, my phone beeps, Ms.Ka on the other side.

"Mr.Kim you have a call from the officer that came in yesterday." I stared at the phone and sighed.

"Should I pass the call through?" I held the bridge of my nose before reaching for the phone and pressing a button.

"Yea, I'll talk with them." I picked up the phone letting it ring.

Mr.Kim, this is Officer Jeon.

Yes, I remember, how are you?

I'm doing well, I hope you are too.

Likewise, how can I help?

My team and I have been looking through the tape that you provided us. And we were hoping you could come in and help with our analysis.

I sighed
Listen Officer Jeon, I know that you're just doing your job and I have to do mine. But right now I have things to do and I don't have time to get involved in this.


And I assume that you are working with Ms.Park Rose..
I'm not going to take any action right now, I have too much on my plate. I hope that you can figure things out.

Mr.Kim please here me out. We need your help with this.

I'm sorry, but I can't help you any further. Good luck with the investigation. If you need more footage or anything please contact my assistant, Ms.Ka.

I put the phone down, sliding my hand away. I lean back into my chair, until there's a knock at my door.

"Mrs.Hue is here is here with your reports sir." I hear.

"Come in." I call out.

Rose POV

"..There's an email regarding a gathering."

"Oh it must be from Miue." He turns to his computer and starts scolding through.

"There it is." He stares at his screen, putting a hand to his chin.

"If you could send them a conformation email that would be great." I nod writing it down.

"One more thing, before you go." I look up waiting for him to continue.

"I want you to train someone."


"Yes, I realize that you have experience with a lot of different departments and you know how to work with them. One of our employees are also has been advancing in his department. You've already met him, I feel like you two would team well together." I knit my eye brows trying to guess who it would be.

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