Mehwish Has...

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After two days

Mehwish's Pov

I was waiting for the doctor. Actually, I was waiting for the results. They had much to do yesterday so the doctor didn't had time to tell me the reports. I am damn scared right know. No one is here.

Ananya was at home with Mehrin. They both were so tired yesterday so I forced them to stay at home as long they are fine.

Mohit, Adil and Akhram went to the police station to get information about Sonia and Julian. They have called be 20 minutes before that they are at the way and are coming to the hospital. They should be here soon.

I heard a knock and the three idiots stepped in (three idiots😂😂😂).

"What did you took so long?", I asked them. "I thought maybe you were maybe bored of the hospital food so i brought you three cheese burger from McDonald's", Akhram said.

I was so happy that I jumped out of my hospital bed and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Thank you thank you", I said and kissed him on the cheek.

After realizing what I have done and was blushing very hard. How embarrassing.

He looked at me shocked like I had stolen his first kiss.

"I...i am sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I was so happy that I...i," "it's ok. I don't mind" , he Interrupt me.

After two hours

We were still waiting for the doctor. I'm this two hours I have called the doctor with several name and the boys looked at me like I was crazy.

No I wasn't crazy but I am going to go crazy when he don't show up in 30 minutes.

Suddenly the door gets open and I was so happy but the happiness disappeared when Mehrin and Anna step in the room instead of the doctor.

"looks like someone isn't happy of seeing us", Mehrin said. "What happened Mehwish did we do something wrong" , Ananya asked upset.

"No my dear, you didn't. I am just irritated because of the doctor. I am waiting for my reports till yesterday and I want to go home," I said.

"I am Sorry Ms. Farrukhi but it is not possible. You have do stay a few days longer here", the doctor said while entering the room.

What the hell is he saying. Why can't I go home? Who thinks he who he is to order me. I can go were I want to.

"Is everything okay, doctor? Why does she have do stay her," Akhram asked.

"I wanted to do more blood test because her blood count were abnormal. After taking the tests and discuss with other doctors we come to know that Ms. Farrukhi has acute lymphoblastic leukemia in (All)".

(I apologize if I write something wrong about the illness. I don't know much about it. I will write which I will find while researching. If I write something with it not right about the ilness, I apologize for it. Please let me know if you find some mistakes.)

"What is that"? asked Adil before I could asked it.

"It is an typ of Leukemia and Leukemia is on of the Typs of blood cancer".

"What?", we all shouted together.

"Yeah but you are lucky Mehwish that," he was interrupt by Akhram.
"what lucky, she has cancer and you are saying she is lucky", he was damn angry and his eyes were red with anger. If Adil and Mohit wouldn't hold him tightly he would have jumped at the poor doctor.

"Please clam down young man. I was saying it because she is at the first stage. It means that her organs are not defected yet. I would say you were lucky at you got beaten up or you wouldn't have come to know about the cancer, " he tried to explain.

"She was lucky to get beaten up? I will beat you and we will see how lucky you are", Akhram is about to jump on him but Mohit pulls him back.

Why is he so angry? Is it possible that he also loves me. No it can't be. He would do it for everyone.

Also if he does it, it is maybe to late. I don't even know if I will survive or not. He will surely not even stay with me after knowing it.

He was always annoyed with our relationship and know after knowing my illness he easily can get rid of this unwanted relationship. Maybe I am just an burden to him after today. Or was I always?

Suddenly someone wiped away my tears which I doesn't realize were flowing down.

I looked up to see Akhram in front of me. I couldn't take it anymore and hugged him tightly.

He tried to calm me down but nothing helped I couldn't stop crying. All of sudden I felt my whole body gone week I couldn't helt my eyes open and passed out.

Akhram's Pov

Before she could fall on the ground I hold her tightly in my arms.

I don't know what is wrong with me. Why am I behaving like that. For a few minutes I really wanted to kill the doctor.

I put Mehwish on the the bed and keep looking at her.

Why, why her. She never hurt anyone. She cares for every person she knows. Then why why does she have such an illness.

"you have to be strong Akhram. We can't break down. She needs us right now more than ever. Be her strength not her weekness Akhram. You won't help her with your crying face", said Mohit.

Crying face? He is right. I have tears in my eyes and my face is wet.

I again looked at her. Suddenly I see a tear in her eyes. I wiped them away. And kissed her forehead.

I don't care if someone is here. Let them think what they won't. I myself don't know what I am doing but one thing is clear.

He is right. I have to be strong for her. I will not let her break down. Never. I will not let her feel that she is ill. I will give her all the happiness she deserves.

We spoke a bit more with the doctor. He said that the best way to stop this illness to get further they have to do an bone marrow transplant so that she get an better and healthy blood formation. The cancer can be defeated with it but we need an donor with can be difficult.

"Does the patient leaves alone or with someone? Because it can be difficult for her to leave a lone. There can be come times where she get a lot of pain so it would be better if she someone would be with her for 24 hours," said the doctor.

"No. But she can leave with me and Ananya. My parents are in business trip for two months but we can take care of her".

"it is ver nice of you but it would be better it there were an man with you because if she gets the pain while standing it would be difficult for you to lie her down on the bed."

"What can we do then? Call her family?", said Ananya.

"You will do nothing", I said to them. "She will leave with me at my mansion."

"Are you out of your mind," yelled Mehrin. "She can't leave with you on your mansion alone", said an angry Ananya.

"She can and she will", I replied.

"And with what relation?" said Adil and Mohit angry.

"She will leave with me as my wife", I said.

"Why do you think she will marry you?", said the four of them irritated.

"Who said I will marry her?" I said.

They all looked confused.

"You said she will live with you as your wife", said the doctor also getting irritated.

Wait till next Chapter

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