Chapter 20

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Fifteen years ago.....

Hector Rivera was practically fuming. He checked his wristwatch for the fifteenth time since he had gotten to the restaurant. He'd been sitting there for close to half an hour! How unprofessional!

He hated waiting. Sadly, he needed an old CEO to sign some documents so he had to sit like a patient lap dog.

He hated the fact that he'd had to travel to Spain when he wanted nothing more than to be home with a bottle of whiskey. He was feeling jet-lagged, exhausted and he still hadn't gotten the man to sign the damned papers.

He also hated the fact that he was away from his 12-year-old daughter, Beatrice. It wasn't out of love because Hector wasn't even sure what love was anymore. It was caution.

The girl was growing up to be too smart and too dangerous for him to handle. Beatrice never lied but she'd never tell you the full story if you didn't ask the right questions. It wasn't so easy knowing the right questions to ask.

He didn't like the idea of having a child who could end up outsmarting him. He knew he had to clip her wings before things got out of hand.

Beatrice was a certified genius. Hector needed to always be a step ahead of her to ensure he'd checkmate whatever devious trick she had up her sleeves. She couldn't be allowed to have too much power.

He couldn't underestimate her the way he had underestimated her mother, Leila. He made a mental note to watch her carefully. He growled when he remembered Beatrice only allowed you to see what she wanted. Hector couldn't believe a 12-year-old was causing him such grief.

Just thinking about Beatrice almost made him get up and run back home. It was the thought of Leila that prevented him from doing that.

How he despised the woman!

He hated his wife with every fiber of his being. He hated everything she stood for. If given the chance, he'd have gotten rid of her in a heartbeat.

She'd completely destroyed his life when she'd forced him to marry her. She was devious, cruel, and manipulative.

He also respected and feared her. It was impossible not to admire a woman like Leila. Hector watched her take over his life over a decade ago with a mixture of hatred and admiration.

Leila was a very dangerous woman. He knew he would never have risen as far as he'd done without her by his side. He would never have acquired half of what he had without Leila nudging him and whispering words into his ear.

She was smart, resilient, and had a way of always getting what she wanted. He knew he was a pawn in her hands. He longed for an opportunity to tilt the scale and control her instead.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice a man and his entourage walked into the restaurant. The entourage took their seats while the man walked up to his table and cleared his throat loudly.

It was then that Hector lifted his head.

"Hector Rivera of Rivera Inc? Damien Gomez. I believe you have a business proposition for me." A corpulent, short man stretched his chubby paw for a handshake.

Hector took his hand and smiled at the man who oddly reminded him of a teddy bear Beatrice had as a child.

"Yes, I do, Señor Gomez. Please order what you want. It's on me." Hector said taking his eyes off the man to glance around the room.

In a split second, Hector's eyes took in every member of the room and he was able to make out those who were on the man's payroll even though they were supposed to be hidden. He sincerely hoped the meeting wouldn't end badly.

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