Part 7

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TW:talk about drugs and addiction.

"Why, why, why." you said to yourself as you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You had known something was up but you didn't think it would be this.

You went up to him, he was now sitting on the edge of the tub. You could he was drowning in his thoughts. You lightly touched his shoulder and he jumped at the sensation. You looked at him and said "Why?"

He looked back up at you and took a deal breath before speaking.

"Y/N when I was kidnapped something that wasn't put in the reports was that Tobias had injected me several times with Dilaudid. I felt at peace when I was high and I still do." He took a deep breath before continuing tears ready to fall. " I just want the pain to stop. Every time I close my eyes I am back in that shed. I remember every single minute that I was stuck in that damn shed fearing that it might be my last. I just want to be numb and the only way is with that." He says pointing at the liquid and broken glass lying on the floor.

You held back tears as you said " Spencer you could have talked to me. I am here, I will always be here."
You said as you finally gave into your tears.

"I knew I should've went to you but I didn't want to be a burden." Spencer says as he also holds back his tears. You went up and crouched by him and said "You could never be a burden to him." You pulled him to your chest and he finally broke. You whispered in his ear "We will get through this together."

1 month later

It had been a long month. Spencer had relapsed twice, there had been a lot of nights of staying up and talking, there had also been days where you would be in bed while he broke down in your arms. But through all of that you where there for him. He was now 2 weeks clean and finally he was starting to become happier.

He was coming home from a long case today so you thought you would surprise him with dinner. You had set up the table with his favorite meal and wine. You had also put on something nice. When he had finally come home he was in a bad mood.

You didn't know why but you didn't poke at it to much. You both ate dinner in silence and then he made his way to shower. You could tell something about the case had triggered him in some way.

When you both had made your way too bed you made sure to give him space. You finally spoke up and had the courage to ask what was up.

"Y/N could you just leave it nothing is wrong." Spencer said raising his voice slightly.

"Spencer I can tell something is wrong why don't you want to open up to me?" you said also raising your voice now getting irritated.

"I'm fine can you just leave it! God your are so annoying sometimes." he said now yelling.

"I- I'm sorry I just thought you wanted to talk." you said choking on your words tears starting to form.

"Well Y/N you thought wrong. I don't always need some one to fucking talk to. I'm not a baby I don't need baby sitting." Spencer saying lowering his voice slightly noticing he hurt you.

At that point you got out of bed got dressed and left. You could hear him yelling for you to come back, but you were to focused on holding back tears as you made your way to your car. You didn't know where you were going but you knew you didn't want to be there with him at that moment.

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