Classes: Part 7

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Well to say that least, the conversation with Draco wasn't what she expected. After Tracey and Astoria wouldn't bug off, Hermione went down to the common room and dragged Draco Malfoy out of the dungeons. That drew QUITE the attention. "You're in Slytherin?"He asked as he leaned against the wall, smirking. "Not the point"She snapped. "What the fuck have you been telling people?" She asked. "About what?"His smirk dropped. "I walk into my new dorm and I get asked about you, does Malfoy know you were Granger? Still trying to keep the dating a secret? It's fucked up!"Hermione snapped. "Firstly, Blaise would literally drown me in the Great Lake if I spread those kind of rumours. Secondly, Astoria saw us alone together in a compartment on the train, so she probably spread the rumours"He stated. "She likes you! She wouldn't spread rumours about us dating!" Hermione snarled. "Welcome to Slytherin"Draco said threw his arms in the air.

"Something going on?"They heard. Blaise had came. "Just your sister scolding me for something I have no part of"Draco shrugged. Hermione scoffed and Crossed her arms. "What dorm are you in?"Blaise asked Hermione. "The one with Pansy, Greengrass, Greengrass and Davis"Hermione said. "Good luck"Draco chuckled. "That dorm is known as the most- how do I say this... the most drama attached group of women"Blaise explained. Hermione groaned and put her head in her hands.

Having to rush to get to Potions on time, they sat at the back of the class. "Well class, I think it's time we go a step higher"Slughorn said. "We've been doing easy potions for about a week and I think you're ready for more extreme ones"He said. "Today we'll be making the Draught of Peace Potion. Madam Pomfrey needs a few and I believe a few of you are very skilled and are able to make the needed amount"He added as he glanced at few students in particular (Hermione, Blaise, Harry, Ginny, and a Ravenclaw in their year).

"Since it's a bit complicated, you'll be sit in pairs"He waved his wand and names appeared on the black board.

Blaise Zabini and Ginerva Weasley
Harry Potter and Mia Zabini
Ronald Weasley and Astoria Greengrass
Draco Malfoy and Lavender Brown
Theodore Nott and Parvati Patil

The list went on, students got up and sat beside their partners. "Your time begins.... Now!" Slughorn announced.

Their 2 hours was up. One person from each pair brought up a vial labeled with their name, that was filled with the potion. "You will get your grade tomorrow, head on to your next class"Slughorn said.

Their morning classes came to an end and it was time for Lunch. Though on the way there, Hermione kept over hearing conversations about her. "And they're saying she was Hermione Granger! It's unbelievable!" "She must be related to one of the teachers! No student has ever been resorted!" "She's Been hanging around loads of guys! And she's in that dorm, must be whore". "I'm going to the library for a bit, I don't feel hungry"Hermione told Pansy before turning on her heel and leaving, not waiting for an answer.

Instead of going to the library, she went to her dorm. She sat on her bed and hugged her pillow. It felt like 4th year all over again. "Oh you're here"Hermione heard. Turning her head she saw Daphne, standing in the bathroom doorway. She nodded slowly and put her pillow down. "The rumours got to you?"Daphne asked. "How'd you know?"Hermione asked. "Astoria had that exact same face when she found out about them"Daphne said as she sat on her bed, a brush in hand. She seemed to have just taken a shower. "Can you explain why those rumours exist?" Hermione asked. Daphne nodded.

"It all started with this boy named Timothy. I used to date him in 5th year. We got in an argument and after our roommates defended me, he got the idea to start a little rumour. I was called a slut for about 2 years because everyone believed I'd cheated on him. He then spread rumours about Tracey and Pansy. Tracey was going to the slug party with McLaggen, I don't know why, but she was, TILL Tim told them that she had a contagious virus. Dumbledore sent her to the hospital wing to get tested, he expelled him for a year because of it as Tracey had to miss her O.W.Ls"Daphne explained. "Then when he returned, He did something terrible to Pansy. He made his own copy of the daily prophet and sent it around school. It mentioned how her Parents were disowning her for getting caught with a muggleborn. Pansy got scared and told her parents, Dumbledore kicked him out of Hogwarts. But no one was told that it was a lie for some reason"She continued.

"Didn't you try to change things?" Hermione asked. "We tried, but people don't believe it, and it's not like Tim's friends kept it quiet. They made the situation worse"Daphne scoffed. "Blaise and Malfoy don't believe you?" Hermione asked. "They're the ones who told you about the dorm then?"Daphne asked and the brunette nodded. "Boys believe boys, and to be honest, it's ridiculous, we're their so called 'best friends'"Daphne rolled her eyes.

They heard the door open and turned their heads. "Why're you talking to her?"Astoria asked. "Astoria, She's just as alone as you were"Daphne snapped. "I wasn't alone, I had a few good friends"Astoria scoffed. "So does she, you have something in common"Daphne said. "How many Slytherin friends do you have?"Astoria asked Hermione. "Quite a few"Hermione shrugged. "Are they all 1st years"Astoria asked sarcastically. "what's your problem?" Hermione asked. "I have no problem"Astoria snapped. "Yes you do, you hated me before you recognized me" Hermione said."you wanna know what's my problem? You won't leave Draco!"Astoria snarled.

"Malfoy? That's your problem?"Hermione asked as she stood up. "Yes! Back off!"Astoria yelled. "Astoria you broke up with him"Daphne said. "Doesn't mean I don't want him!"She snarled. "Firstly, yes it does! Secondly, I have no relationship with him, so I'm not stopping you"Hermione snapped. "Then why does he keep rejecting me? I've asked him out twice so far and he's said no!"Astoria snapped. "Why break up with him if you're gonna chase after him?" Hermione snarled. "Because I started liking his bestfriend!"Astoria said, before she covered her mouth with her hand. She ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. "She's in love with-"

"with Blaise,yes"Daphne nodded. "Then why is she chasing after Malfoy?" Hermione asked. "Blaise doesn't like her more then a friend, and our parents gave her a deadline by the end of the year that she must find a partner or They'll pick who she'll marry. She knows Draco loved her so she's hoping he'll give her a chance"Daphne explained. "Did you get a deadline?" Hermione asked. She nodded. "John Statersion, He's in Slytherin. Our engagement party is on Christmas"Daphne said. Hermione thought about it before a thought entered her head. "Do all pure bloods have a deadline?" Hermione asked. "Well most, I don't think you Zabinis have it though, Blaise would've told you"Daphne shrugged.

Hermione nodded and checked her watch. "10 minutes till class, we better get going"She said. Daphne knocked on the bathroom door and informed her sister. Astoria left the Bathroom and headed to her next class; Transfiguration.

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