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I see a house sitting at the peaks of a great, big hill.
If only you could see it too, it would give you a thrill.
But that house, those four walls of possibilities;
Well, they are the foundation of this new beginning.
Inside sits a family, hardworking and honest;
They look right at home, the patriarch triumphant in his office.
He smiles a smirk that would melt butter;
He's a healer and a leader but, above all else, a father.
I see my own father - and my grandfather - in him,
A man I could mistake as my very own next of kin.

I have faith in this man, more so than ever before;
He'll have a holiday named after him one day, I'm sure.
Like a lighthouse built to guide sailors home;
I have faith in the depths of my bones;
Faith that we may never see unlicensed cruelty again;
Faith that unholy alliances have come to an end.
Faith that we will be unified together;
Faith that the future is already so much better.

I wrote a poem titled American Dream just a few months ago;
And, in it, I scribbled all over the American flag for my own ego.
People do the strangest things when they feel like everything's broken;
But we also do the most wonderful things when we feel like the people have spoken.
I want to rewrite history with my pen in hand;
Perhaps I'll add new characters, who will protect this land.
I was at war with myself and my heart for too long;
But, now, that violence has disappeared, it's gone.

My proudest moment in my entire twenty-one years on this planet;
Was when my father smiled over at me and said, "We did it".
That may not mean much to you, whoever's reading this.
But, to me, in that moment, my joy was infinite.
I've always tried to express myself through my words;
But I am speechless yet I know I have been heard.
How perfect could one day become;
As we stand, hand in hand, unified under the winter's sun.

I have faith in us;
In America, I replace my trust.
Land of the free?
Maybe, maybe.

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