Ua Entrance Exam Finale

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'izuku is seen, destroying a robot with one quick slice of his claws'

Izuku: there we go.. how many points do i have winter?

Winter(head): well.. you killed a 3 pointer so you have 34 points for now...

Izuku: ok!, time to help people and earn some points myself! *Runs towards a 2 pointer ambushing students*

Random1: whaa!

Random2: help!

'when the two pointers, was about to hurt the students, izuku rushes the two students'

Izuku: *Activates Kitsune flames in hands* FLAME BALL! *Melts the first 2 pointer* Claw slice! *Slices the 2 pointer in half* whoo! *Looks at the two* you two ok?

Random1: hai!

Random2: so cool!

Izuku: well time, to help more people *runs towards other people who needs help*

'ua teachers were, talking about how there's so many, promising students this year'

Midnight: *See's izuku helping people* wow.. all this kid is doing is helping other people..

Aizawa: seems like it..

Vlad king: *See's izuku helping other people with a big smile* Principal nezu sir!

'vlad king, gets the attention of the rest of the teachers'

Nezu: hai? Vlad king-sensei?

Vlad king: i want him on my class.. *points towards izuku*

Nezu: hmm... I will consider your request if he survives this.. *pushes button* time to roll.. *smiles*

-Back at the facility-
'izuku saw a girl with hair on what it looks like, veins being cornered'

???: Help!

Izuku: *Throws Fire ball* Graa! *Slices the other in half* I got you.. *takes the girl to safety* there...

???: Uhm thank you..

Izuku: no problem *noticed on what it looks like a girl who's little* winter please tell me that she's not real...

Winter(head): its real izuku, save her now she's getting cornerned by, 2 pointers she might get caught..

Izuku: right! FOX FORM! *turns into a small fox* I'll save you!

???: Kawaii...

'izuku is seen, saving the small girl while letting her ride on izuku's back, after izuku got the girl, he quickly goes back towards the vine haired girl'

Izuku: can you please get off me? So i can transform back, and also can you resize again?

???: Oh.. gomen.. *turns normal size*

Izuku: *transform back to normal* so my name is Izuku Midoriya.. what's yours?

Yui: im Yui, Yui Kodai

Yui: im Yui, Yui Kodai

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