AOT 2 Dying On My First Day?!

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Eren' s eyes were as wide as saucers while looking at me. He was speechless as he cant even produce a word, even just one.

Seeing him like that somehow made me happy and... am I a sadist? A sadist who loves seeing people suffer?

"Because I can't do anything but just look at my parents being slowly killed in front of me and I can’t do anything about it."

"Stop talking already!"

Mikasa who had been watching us finally could not take it anymore and stood between me and Eren. She angrily faced me.

I looked at her amused. I smiled at her not saying anything for a second and then I grab Eren by the shoulder to make him look at me directly in the eye.

Mikasa looked at me shock as she tried to get my grab off Eren but I'm much more stronger than her so I did not even budge an inch.

"That’s why...." 

I look into Eren's eyes with a soothing gaze. My hardened gazed from before got gentle and softened like cotton so that he will be comforted than agitated.

"You need to get stronger so you will never experience losing a love one again and so you can protect them. That’s my goal too. Become stronger so that I can protect my precious ones and not to lose them again.."

Eren who was blaming himself earlier, though he did not notice it, looked at me teary eyed as he hug me.

Sighing, I hug him back.

"Don’t blame him Eren, he just wanted to protect you and Mikasa and that was your mother' s last wish for you, to be safe. You know just like us, he doesn't have the power to defeat the titan."

After that heartfelt talk, Eren finally accepted that he must accept the death of her mother and move on. He can't continue to live in that moment of her nother's death or it will ruin him.

It might be best this way because he still has many things to do in the future. Afterall, he will be humanity's hope in the future.

Going on, we continued to tread yhe dangerous path to the emergency boats to take us four to the other wall, wall Rose.

"Come on hurry before some of the titans see us." The elder man shouted quietly.

We carefully but quickly walk to the port not making a noise.


We stood frozen on our spot as we looked at the direction where the sound came from and saw Eren who had step on a fallen wood.

We just paid it no mind thinking that we are safe when nothing showed up after a minute of waiting. We continued to walk but what we didnt know was that by just that single noise we attracted something, a Titan.

"Come on guys we ne--- watch out!!" I yelled.

A titan was about to grab Eren and Mikasa since they were together when suddenly without thinking I pushed them out of the way.

"Shit!" I felt that a hand was wrapping me by its fingers.

I can't get out... Am I going to die being eaten by a titan?

"Mizu!! Eren yelled horrified when he saw me in the Titans hand.

"Go everyone go!!! Go on without me! Just go!!"

What am I saying?  Do I really want  to die? Maybe it’s better this way because at least I'll meet mom and dad and I will no longer suffer in this terrible world Im living. 

"Mizu. wait we cant go, Mizu she --"

"Eren as much as I like to save her but we need to go. You know that for now we dont have the strength to defeat a titan." Mikasa almost screamed at Eren to snap him out of his nonsense but she held herself back nit wanting to attract more titans.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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