Chapter 16

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I get to decorate my own room! 

My own room i tell you!!

It has always been my dream to decorate my own room. Since i couldn't really do it in the orphanage seeing as we share the room that we have. 

But now im actually having my own room!

I want to scream and shout and basically act like a crazy person dancing to my own victory dance. 

I smile so hard i felt my cheeks hurting.

"we could also decorate the other one as the baby's room"

He opened another empty room and walked inside it. 

"This room is connected to the masters bedroom.  It was specifically built this way,  so that my parents could watch or hear me when i was a child"

I, of course knew that sooner or later i would also need to sleep in the masters bedroom (if this relationship works)   but i don't really  like the thought of letting the baby sleep in a separate room.

I just feel like children especially infants should sleep close to their parents. 

Or maybe it's because i watch too many horror movies and I'm scared of letting a baby sleep on a separate room.

I told Zach about my opinion and we decided to still build a baby room where the child can play when he or she is old enough, but the child will sleep in the master's bedroom with us, until he's basically not an infant. 

Maybe until he's 2 or 3?

I suddenly realize how smoothly we talked about things. Like a married couple planning to build their dream house.

I shake those thoughts away before the embarrassment swallows me. 

"You can sleep on the master's bedroom,  I'll sleep on the guest room" Zach said as we were walking towards the elevator.

I still feel amaze how there's an elevator inside a house. 

I immediately snap myself out of it and focused on the matter on hand. 

"i can't possibly, I'll just stay in the guest room, besides it doesn't really matter as long as there's a bed"

Your guest room here is twice bigger than my/our room in the orphanage, who would want to complain?

I won't

"I insist, it's better if you get used to the master's bedroom"

Somehow my brain manage to transform his sentence into a "I insist, you should get used to that room since that's where we will be staying after you adjust"

This stupid brain

That's clearly not what he said. 

I just nodded stiffly. Not really knowing how to react. 

We soon reach the first floor where Aunt Matilda greeted us with a smile. 

"I have arrange your room, would you like to see it? " she ask while smiling at me. 

Before i could answer Zach already talked

"It's okay,  I'll sleep in the guest room,  she can sleep in the master's bedroom." I saw Aunt Matilda's expression turned from a shock to a relieved one. 

"I see... I see... " she looked at me again this time her eyes contains so much emotion. She looks like she was about to cry. 

I really didn't know what to do... and i couldn't bring myself to ask what was wrong. 

Before I drown in this awkward feeling.

I choose to divert the topic. 

"I.. I'm a little bit hungry... "

"Oh!  How inconsiderate of me. Of course! I'll  tell the chef to prepare a delicious and nutritious dinner for you" Aunt Matilda hurriedly said as she walk towards the kitchen.

They even have chefs here. 

Before i could even catch a breath. I saw Zach looking at the front door and clicking his tongue.

I also look at the front door,  waiting for something to happen...

Not even a minute passed the front door opened with a loud thud.

Three guys in a suit entered the house. 

I feel like this is a deja vu...


I had a look of realization when i remembered who they were. 

These were the guys Zach was together with in the cafe!!

All three of them was a feast in the eyes. 

"Hi Ealize!!  I'm John,  I'm the beta of the pack" A guy with a blonde hair and blue eyes went in front of me. 

He's the kind of guy that'll give you a vibe of a "playboy type" but also easy to get along with. 

"Hello... " i said as i bow a little, a habit i pick up from watching too much anime. 


I'm kinda awkward especially in front of new people.  Which made me surprised as I was actually very comfortable with Zach. 

It's different if you're face with 3 other handsome guys though...

I mean don't get me wrong i absolutely don't have any plan to turn this into a reverse harem.  I hate those stories. It's just that having this many greek gods at once, my inner fan girl can't seem to stay calm. 

"That guy is Eric" John pointed at another guy with black hair and hazel brown eyes. 

Eric the guy, look at me and gave me a polite smile. 

"Hello Ealize, welcome to the pack!"

The older brother type

My brain thought

"The other one there with the glasses is Ferz... don't get close to him he's cranky" John whispered the last part though I'm pretty sure Ferz heard it since a frown came upon his face.

"Don't talk nonsense" he gave John a glare before looking at me

"If you have any concerns regarding the pack you can come to me if the Alpha is not around"

Ferz gave me the professor kind of vibe. Very serious and mature. He has a black hair,  swept upwards in a clean way and deep forest green eyes. 

"Hello,  it's nice to meet you all,  please help me in the future" i said, feeling awkward.

It was the same feeling you get when you go to a new school where you don't know anyone, and on the first day of class the teacher would instruct you to "introduce yourself" so you need to stand up in front of unknown people and recite the basic format on how to introduce yourself (unless you wanna follow haruhi suzumiya)  you spend time shitting and basically stressing yourself over it,  when nobody is probably gonna listen  anyway. 

My monologue stop when a voice interrupted it. 

"It seems like we have a lot of people, I'll ask the chef to increase the dishes" Aunt Matilda's voice came from the kitchen. 

"Ealize,  my dear do sit down on the sofa,  you can't tire yourself out "

I was about to reply "it's alright"
but before i could say it,  Zach is already leading me towards the sofa. 

He made me sit, then handed me a pillow. He look at me for a moment, before getting another pillow and putting it on my back....he was about to add another one but i immediately stop him. 

He's so cute

Damn, I'm melting!

"Thank you" i said as i let myself relax in the sofa.  I tried not to mind the four greek gods that seems to be talking and staring at me.  But it seems like i don't have that skill yet as i get more and more self conscious each passing second.

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