Chapter 22

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is September 8, 2020. I just renovated my room and it looks amazing. My aesthetic is very academia, both light and dark so there are lots of pastels and muted tones, floral items and patterns, and fairy lights. The color scheme is gray, purple, and blue. It is so beautiful and makes me extremely happy. Writing is much more enjoyable now that I have a proper space to write and enjoy myself. If you like Marvel and Star Wars, be sure to check out my other works. I love you with all my person. Enjoy!

Y/n paces up and down the hallway outside of Will's room, anxiously waiting for the doctor's to conclude their meeting. 

"What is taking so long?!" Joyce exclaims. Bob rubs her arms. 

"Just try and relax. Be patient," he says. 

Y/n groans and tries to push past the guards, who grab her and hold her back. "Let me through!"

"You know we can't do that. He'll be with you shortly," one of them says.

"You said that an hour ago."

She wanders back to Will, who bolts upright in his bed. "Will?"

"What's wrong? Are you hurting again?" Mike asks.

"I saw something," Will says.

"In your now-memories?"

"The shadow monster." He locks eyes with him. "I think I know how to stop him."


Soon enough, a bunch of doctors, Will, Mike, Joyce, Bob and Hopper are all gathered in the conference room, observing Will study pictures arranged to map out the Byer's home. 

"Sam, this is ludicrous," a doctor scoffs.

Y/n sneers at him. "Hey, jackass, why don't you do us all a favor and shut up, ok? Thanks."

Hopper puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles proudly at her. She grins back. *cough*fatherfigure*cough*

Will points to a picture that looks like a hub, where all the tunnels connect. "That's it."

"That's what? What... what's there, Will?" Owens asks.

"I don't know. I just know he doesn't want me to see there." He looks up. "I think it's important."

Will, Mike, Joyce and Bob head back to the hospital room, but Y/n follows the doctors and Hopper into a control room. 

Hopper puts an arm around Y/n, keeping her close to him. 

"Let's see if this kid's a wizard or schizo, Doc," the snarky doctor says. 

The doctor's relay commands back and forth to the soldiers that travel down the tunnel. 

Looking at the images on the dash, multiple blips travel down a tunnel on the radar. Peering down at the body cam feed, Hopper freezes.

"Wait. That's where I was."

"What?" Owens asks.

"It's that damn graveyard."

"Sir, there's nothing here," a soldier says over the comms.

"Looks like your kid's full of shit, Doc," Snarky Doctor says. 

Y/n shoots him a death glare.

Growling is hear over the radio. She leans in to listen.

"Got some kind of fog moving in now," the soldier says. "We've got movement."

"You've got company, fellas," Owens says. 

The radar shows red dots rapidly approaching the white dots, aka the soliders.

"Whoa, whoa!" The technicians cry. 

"I can't see anything! Where are they? Where are they?" The soldiers chatter overlaps.

"They're right on you!" A technician yells.

"Wait, what? What was that?" The soldiers ask. 

A loud screeching is heard, then the sound of gunfire. The soldiers scream at the top of their lungs as they get audibly ripped to shreds. One by one, the dots and soldiers drop like flies until no one is left.

A loud static fills the room.

The doctors sit there, stunned. 

Y/n reaches for Hopper, who clutches her hand. 

Looking out the window, an ugly and slimy claw reaches up out of the tunnel and slams down on the floor.

i know that this is really short

Fued// Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now