gamer girl

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you sat in your chair waiting for the next round to start

you were playing warzone with swagger, fitz, and grizzy because everyone besides fitz needed content for youtube

you didn't talk much during swaggers video because he had skits that he wanted to do but your laugh could be heard since you couldn't hold back

everyone decided to split in the second round and as you were running to the hospital you ran into someone. you saw the character run so you shot at them thinking it was a player from the opposite team "goddamn, don't scare me like that." fitz told you

"sorry" you instantly mumbled then smashed a window of the hospital to get in

fitz trailed behind you since he wanted to find loot, you watched as his character ran into a room and immediately ran out. you tilted your head in confusion because there was always good loot in that room.

you made your character go into the room and as you stepped in you catch a glimpse of a player from the opposite team crouched in the corner and begin shooting at you

struggling to change guns, they killed you

"goddamit fitz!" you cried since you were the last player that needed to be killed. as the match was being made someone from the red team talked "whoever that was that ran out of the room is a pussy!"

"i had no more ammo" cam argued

you pulled your mic closer to your mouth and said "why didn't you tell me someone was in there, for fucks sake!"

"is that a girl?" the same person spoke

this caused a bunch of commotion to come from his team since it was apparently a huge deal for a girl to play a video game "how many kills did you get last round?" another asked

"i- she got 25... which is the most out of her team." someone replied

luckily the round started again so they couldn't speak anymore "anyways, how's the content coming?" you talked in hopes to not trail in what occurred into the next round

swagger chucked "i finished recording!"


you were the only one alive in your team and the guys were arguing about who you should revive since you nearly had enough money to revive two. you parachuted to the crate as they proceeded to argue, you decided to revive grizzy since you knew he wouldn't die as quick as the other two "thank you y/n" he told you

you struggled to fight two people at once but grizzy came by and helped you kill one and you killed the other which helped gain enough coins, so you went back to the crate to revive swagger

shocked at who you revived cam said "wow babe."

before you had the chance to say something grizzy revived him. "don't worry, i got you." you watched as cams player slowly flew in, looking around to make sure there was no players around who would shoot at him "does that make me your girlfriend now." grizzy joked

"hey now!" you argued, trying to focus on the game and conversation

this round ended faster than the last with grizzy getting the last kill "good job, griz!" you cheered "what about us." swagger and fitz said together which surprised you "you guys did well too," you told them

everyone got back into the match someone talked "hey, *your gamertag* how old are you?"

you rolled your eyes and didn't reply, but that didn't stop them as they continued to ask. showing they were desperate to know the age of the incredibly good gamer girl.

fitz couldn't hold back anymore and he answered "22, what's it to ya?"

"where do you live?" another asked, from time to time as the match was being made swagger and grizzy asked questions to the opposite group in attempt for them to stop

but as each game ended and you had to wait for the match to begin again they started again.

bothered you informed them "if you want to know about my life so bad, why don't you just look up my youtube. it's the same as my gamertag."

ignoring what you said someone talked "i'm the same age as you, you should play with our team." you mentally barfed at how unoriginal these men could get "no thanks, i like playing with my team," you replied.

scoffs came from the opposite team "why though, you're doing better than all of them."

cam quickly spoke "because she's good and plays more than us. so what, let her play with who she wants, assholes."

a ton of murmurs came from the team and someone finally said something "ooh, it's fitzyfitz getting jealous?" you rolled your eyes and hope that the game would start faster

"would you stop talking?" swagger politely asked them

but they ignore him and kept on bothering you "so, *your gamertag* who is this fitzyfitz guy? is he your boyfriend?"

before you got to speak cameron was already talking for you "i am her boyfriend, now can you all quit it and play the damn game." soon after he spoke the game started and everything went back to normal for now

"y/n, what's the most interesting fact you know?" grizzy randomly asked as everyone grouped together to fight a squad of players you ran into

you killed someone and immediately started trying to think of one you knew

"...y/n?" grizzy questioned confused because of your silence "oh sorry, probably that if you lift a kangaroo's tail off the ground it can't hop," you answered and assisted swagger in killing a player

swagger whispered, shocked at your words "wait... is that true?"

"apparently so," you tell him and made your character run to the loot crate you found

the game ended and cam shouted, proud of himself "i killed him, i did it! i killed the last guy!" you smiled and clapped along with the rest of the guys "congrats hon."

both teams waited as the match was being organized and fitz spoke "you've got nothing to say now, huh?"

"leave my girlfriend alone," he added not wanting them to bother you anymore

swagger cheered "yeah, leave her alone."

after fitz won you stopped recording and everyone agreed on not recording and to play together a little longer for fun. thankfully red team switched out for another squad and the new team didn't bother yours since you all silenced their mics.


hopefully, this was okay, i didn't know how to end it so the ending is probably a little awkward.

hope you're all safe and well!

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