xxviii. not so secret admirer

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So that's what Tin did for the whole week. He stops bothering and annoying Can, he stops all the unnecessary calls and texts which are all futile since Can drops all of them anyway.

But, he never leaves Can. What Tin lacks from his communication presence, he pours it all out through his gift-giving. Although anonymous, it's fine, Tin would never want to exchange this for anything. 

All thanks to Pete, Tin continues to be Can's sugar daddy– giving him the foods Can has craved for that day, and as expected from Can, it's a lot. Tin remembers all whole week he had to run to different stores selling varied products just so he could give Can all he wanted– But, all his exhaustion is worth it when he hides behind the wall and he sees Can's beautiful smile as he munches on the food Tin bought for him with gall. 

It's all worth it. Tin can't help but smile as well. 

For now, it's enough for Tin, even though Can doesn't know it's Tin who's making him happy. It's fine. Just as long as Can is happy, Tin is happy as well. 

Although it's better if Can knows it's him of course. 

"So?" Tin asks today, voice hurried, throwing Pete a questioning look. "What does he want today?" 

Pete unzips his bag and gives his stepbrother the list of what he heard Can is rambling today. Pete glares at Tin and almost smacks his head when Tin pulls the paper from his hand aggressively and doesn't give him anything more than a nod. What an ungrateful bastard. 

"No thank you?"

Tin doesn't respond, he just stares at the list of food, then, he pulls out his phone and checks every store near them that offers the foods Can wants.

Pete rolls his eyes and sarcastically says, "Okay, Pete, thank you, you're such a good brother."

Ae laughs softly from beside him and pecks Pete's cheek, his arms tight around his waist. Ever since Tin knew of their relationship, Pete and Ae have always been together since there's no point in keeping it to themselves anyway. Another good news is that they're slowly getting off from their relationship of being just fuck buddies, although they can't call themselves boyfriends yet, slowly, they're getting into it. 

"Isn't Can weirded out that you're always asking for the foods he wants?"

Pete gives Ae an incredulous look of what can be translated as 'Do you really know Can?' 

"Ae, may I remind you, it's Can we're talking about."

"Yeah? What about Can?"

"I just asked him if he's hungry and he continues to spout all the foods he likes to try that day, I don't need to prod answers from him, he's giving them to me voluntarily." Pete's sure with all those words Can can say in a day, he can write a biography for Can already. 

"And it's not odd with him that someone's putting all those foods in his locker?"

"Well, when Can's hungry, he tends to be stupid, he won't think of such  things anymore, all he can think of is that he needs to eat."

"He doesn't think that it has poison in it or something? Can is very naive, isn't he?"

"It's Can and those are food. He doesn't care. He just wants to eat."

Ae shakes his head. "Good thing I'm not Can."

Pete rolls his eyes. "If you're Can, imagine being with Tin right now."

"I can't, it's going to pain me a lot, so I'm very thankful I'm Ae because I'm with you right now."

Pete chuckles. "Yeah, imagine being with someone like Tin."

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